Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 178 The child is Li Yufeng's [2]

Chapter 178 The child is Li Yufeng's [2]

"Don't move! Let go!"

Li Yufeng was startled by her yelling, put the remote control on the table, and walked towards Jin Xi slowly.
"Tell me, what should I do with you?"

The doctor did not tell him good news about Jin Xi every day. Every day, the report was that the condition was getting worse, the condition was getting worse, and the condition could not be cured.

Looking at Jin Xi with a blank face, Li Yufeng regretted his decision for the first time.

He has always been vigorous and resolute, and no one can stop his decision.

But this time, he realized that he might have really punished too much.

"Get out of the way!" Jin Xi uttered again, louder each time, "Don't block me! Don't talk!"

Li Yufeng thought that Jin Xi hated the sound of the TV, as soon as he turned it off, Jin Xi rushed towards him.

"You villain! Why did you touch my child? I already have nothing, why can't you give it to me! Why!" Jin Xi said incoherently, and even some screaming words could not be heard clearly.

The doctor said that she has recovered well in this state, at least she is still willing to share a room with others, and has not completely locked herself in a dark room.

But even so, Jin Xi's thinking is still chaotic, and 24 hours a day, there is not a minute of consciousness.

Even when I eat, I need to be fed by others. I know when I go to the toilet, but I often fall in the toilet.

Because her body was too weak to support her to walk.

Li Yufeng's hand touched the wound on her face, and said with a bit of helplessness, "Jin Xi, why should you? Why should I."

Suddenly, there were several knocks on the door of Jin Xi's room.

Li Yufeng said softly, "Go in."

He saw Fan Chuang walking in with Fan Yu.

Fan Yu was full of jealousy the first moment she saw Jin Xi, but when she saw Jin Xi's blank expression, her heart flashed with joy.

But she can't show it.

Fan Yu smiled and walked towards Jin Xi, "How is the situation today? Jin Xi?"

"Ah! Go away, go away!" Jin Xi had no thought at all, when she heard someone calling her name, Jin Xi threw herself into Li Yufeng's arms again, "Let her go, let her go! Go! Go! Ah! Don't touch me, don't touch me!"

Fan Chuang at the door of "this" couldn't bear to see this scene. "Ah Feng, how did you turn Jin Xi into this?"

Some time ago, she looked like a normal person. In just a few days, she...
Fan Chuang had to sigh in his heart that the world is impermanent.

"The doctor said that she had a mental illness since she was a child, but it had been accumulated in her heart and never broke out. This time she saw those mentally ill patients in the mental hospital, and she naturally wanted to release those accumulated grievances, and it turned out like this. "Sending her to a mental hospital by himself was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

"Yeah, Jin Xi suffered a lot when she was a child." Knowing what happened to Jin Xi when she was a child, Fan Chuang admired Jin Xi from the bottom of his heart.

It is a miracle that she can survive so tenaciously.

"Brother, Brother Li, will she recover?" Fan Yu was more concerned about this issue now.

"She'll be fine." Li Yufeng said in a faint tone.

(End of this chapter)

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