Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 187 Jin Xi's Psychiatrist [3]

Chapter 187 Jin Xi's Psychiatrist [3]

"Then how do you treat it?" Li Yufeng raised his eyebrows, doubting Rhodes' medical skills.

Rhodes smiled, "Because I have this past, I specialized in psychology!"
"Oh?" Li Yufeng looked at Rhodes, then at Jin Xi beside him, and turned his eyes to the mask on Rhodes' face, "How sure are you that you can cure her?"

"I just chatted with Miss Jin Xi for a while, I think Miss Jin Xi is just a psychological obstacle, it's nothing serious, just need a bit of guidance." Rhodes smiled at Jin Xi, "Jin Xi Miss, why don't you let me play with you?"

Jin Xi pursed her mouth and thought about it, but she let go of Li Yufeng's hand!
This move of hers aroused dissatisfaction in Li Yufeng's heart.

But he also knew that Jin Xi's willingness to accept others was a good sign.

"Carrot, I want to play with Carrot!"

Dong Cheng on the side whispered in Li Yufeng's ear, "Master, why don't we try? I think Miss Jin Xi is really getting better!"

Li Yufeng frowned, seeing Jin Xi smiling at Rhodes with his head up, he felt sour in his heart.

But he didn't have an attack, but nodded, "Then let you cure it. I will give you a month. If it can be cured, I will give you one billion as a reward."

Hearing Li Yufeng's words, Rhodes didn't have any surprises, but waved his hand instead, "Rhodes doesn't need money, Rhodes only hopes that after curing Miss Jin, Young Master Li can promise Rhodes one thing."

"what's up?"

"Rhode hasn't cured Miss Jin now, so I'm too embarrassed to mention it. Let's talk about it after Miss Jin recovers."

Li Yufeng's black eyes swept across Rhode's calm face, and then he and Dongcheng turned and left the garden.

Walking out of the pavilion, Li Yufeng turned his head and said to Dongcheng, "Check this Rhode's background for me, don't make any mistakes on it."

"Yes, sir."

Rhodes is a very patient person, and he will even agree to Jin Xi's unreasonable requests.

Several times, Li Yufeng could see Rhode lying on the ground and let Jin Xi ride on it. The scene was like a pair of lovers playing.

Li Yufeng didn't want to see other men getting close to Jin Xi, and because of Jin Xi's illness, he couldn't drive Rhode away, so Li Yufeng tried not to go to Jin Xi.

Not seeing is pure.

But Jin Xi was so happy that when she was playing with Rhodes, she even forgot about Li Yufeng.

The first thing they do when they wake up every day is to take Rhodes to the garden. There are many things they can do.

Catching insects, watching ants, in short, all the things that children do, they have done.

Rhodes never refused any request from Jin Xi, just like now——

"Carrot, can you catch me a small fish in the pond?"

Jin Xi stared wide-eyed at the fish swimming in the pond in Li's garden, and wanted Rhodes to catch one on a whim.

You know, catching fish in such a private pond is not an easy task.

Moreover, the fish in the pond are very small goldfish, and there are only a dozen or so fish in the whole pond.

But Rhodes nodded in agreement!He also rolled up his trouser legs and jumped directly into the pond.

His trousers were soaked quickly, and the water stains spread to the crook of his legs.

Jin Xi was looking at Rhodes happily, but when her eyes touched his legs, Jin Xi let out a cry of surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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