Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 202 The Mysterious Woman [5]

Chapter 202 The Mysterious Woman [5]

Li Yufeng laughed, and whispered into Jin Xi's ear, "Do you think they are a good match?"

Even if the days are destined to be spent in daily bickering, he still feels that it is another kind of happiness.

Jin Xi lying on the bed still didn't open her eyes, but Li Yufeng felt her move her hand again.

Li Yufeng knew that she heard it, but he couldn't say it out.

The thin lips curled up slightly, and a smile appeared on Jun's face.

As long as he can do this now, he is content!

Because Zhou Yu insisted on living with Jin Xi, Li Yufeng did not object.

On the other hand, Fan Chuang sneered a few words at every turn, saying that she seemed to have a crush on Jin Xi and was planning to plot against her.

Every time Zhou Yu and Fan Chuang met, they would definitely quarrel, gradually, Li Yufeng got used to it.

Occasionally, I don't hear them arguing and bickering, and I still feel uncomfortable.

On the weekend, it was time to give Jin Xi a physical examination again.

Early on, Li Yufeng turned off all the meetings and brought Jin Xi to the hospital.

Because the examination equipment is very large, it must be performed in a hospital.

However, Li Yufeng arranged a VIP room, and the environment was not worse than that of Li's family.

After checking one side from top to bottom, the doctor smiled and nodded and said there was nothing wrong with it, and everything was improving.

Li Yufeng sent Jin Xi back to Li's house in person, and he was relieved to go to the consortium.

During this period of time, the consortium has received several major cooperation cases, and he is also extremely busy, but he still does not forget to accompany Jin Xi.

Even Zhou Yu was moved by Li Yufeng's heart.

Suddenly she could understand why Li Yufeng did such an unforgivable thing to Jin Xi.

Because love is deeply responsible.

If Li Yufeng didn't take her to heart, naturally there wouldn't be so many things going on now.

Her current relationship with Fan Chuang doesn't matter, the most important thing is that Jin Xi can wake up quickly.

This is something Zhou Yu looks forward to every day.

————— Li Yufeng Di Dividing Line ————
At twelve o'clock in the noon, Li Yufeng walked into the consortium with tired steps. There were obvious dark circles under his eyes and his face was blue.

It can be seen that he must be exhausted from working all night and taking care of Jin Xi.

He didn't feel comfortable entrusting others with both sides of the matter, so he had to do the hard work himself.

"Hi, President!" The secretary smiled at him, and then handed him the documents in his hand. "President, the other party's boss refused to come forward, but she said that she can call you later!"

"Oh?" Li Yufeng raised his eyebrows, his handsome face was a little surprised. "A small material company wants to put on airs with me?"

Then he really doesn't take Li Yufeng seriously!

He had never been rejected like this before.

Just as Li Yufeng was about to open his mouth to say that he would reject this cooperation, the phone on the senior desk suddenly rang.

The secretary hurriedly said, "It should be the material company who replied to you!"

Li Yufeng frowned, walked over to pick it up. ,

A girl came from the other side of the phone, I don't know if it was hidden deliberately, or she was born like this, her voice was very soft and artificial, which made Li Yufeng uncomfortable.

"President Li, I am the general manager of Kaida Materials, and I called here to apologize!"

"Your voice really makes me sick." Li Yufeng didn't give her face at all, but said it directly.

Even the secretary standing by was embarrassed.

What about your long comments?Silently disappointed.
(End of this chapter)

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