Chapter 217 So, let me go [1]

Just ruin the newspaper, isn't it too cheap for them
If such a big basket is poked out, one has to pay the due price!

It flashed fiercely, and was quickly covered up by a deep sense of loss.

Looking at the door of Jin Xi's room, Li Yufeng suddenly became weaker.

——— Li Yufeng & Jin Xi———
After hesitating for a while, Li Yufeng stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the room.

Jin Xi didn't lock it, but just concealed it, and opened it as soon as she moved.

Stepping in, she saw Jin Xi sitting on the rocking chair by the balcony. Xiao Bao was not there, and she was the only one.

The afternoon sun shone on her body, giving her a fairy-like feeling.

Li Yufeng suddenly felt a little frustrated.

Although he had incomparable achievements in his career, emotionally, he failed to mend this wound after all.

Xu Shi heard footsteps, Jin Xi's body froze for a moment, and then she turned her gaze to the door.

Li Yufeng's figure is still so slender, and his handsome face still has charming capital as before.

It's just that she doesn't understand what he's thinking
The two of them were deadlocked for more than ten minutes before Li Yufeng said softly, "Jin Xi, I'm back."

"En." Jin Xi nodded lightly, pointing to another rocking chair on the balcony, "Sit down, don't you always want to chat with me? Let's have a good chat today."

Jin Xi said it calmly, her face didn't affect the scandal at all.

That's why he was even more afraid.

Walking over with long legs, Li Yufeng didn't sit down directly, but stood beside Jin Xi and took a deep look at her, a trace of confusion flashed across his handsome face.

What is she going to say this time.

"Sit down." Jin Xi raised her head and smiled at Li Yufeng, but the smile was fleeting, and Li Yufeng even saw the perfunctory in her eyes.

That's right, her expression now is just perfunctory to herself.

Sitting on the rocking chair, Li Yufeng shook hands on both sides, and then let go.

First time so nervous.

"About the reports, it's all—"

"Let's not talk about that, shall we?" Jin Xi interrupted Li Yufeng's words in a gentle voice, and hooked some white lips, "That's your business, you are Li Yufeng, you will always be on top, I can't and don't want to care about scandals and the like, I have no right to talk about you, and I don't want to listen to your explanation."

Jin Xi's words directly pulled the relationship between the two of them far away.

It was so far away that Li Yufeng felt that there was no end in sight.

"Jin Xi." Li Yufeng took a deep breath, and finally could only say weakly, "Those are not true."

"Is the photo a PS one?" Jin Xi seemed a little annoyed, her eyebrows frowned.

Li Yufeng froze for a moment, then shook his head.

"You are indeed in the same hotel with that actress, aren't you?"

".Yes, but I—"

"Li Yufeng, actually I don't want to tell you." Jin Xi suddenly laughed, the laughter sounded a little scary, even with despair, "Jin Xiuhui, I know her."

Li Yufeng frowned, not understanding why Jin Xi suddenly mentioned this.

Kim Soo Hye is an actress, so she naturally knows many people.

"We lost our first child because she stuck out her foot and tripped me."

Explain why there are so few updates these days~ Silent fingers accidentally cut off a piece of meat when chopping vegetables, and dare not touch the keyboard, so the postings these days are too few manuscripts, so I can only Update less.
(End of this chapter)

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