Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 222 Take Care of Yourself 【3】

Chapter 222 Take Care of Yourself 【3】

She seems to be very distracted recently.

"I just want to know what you want to do." With such a big fight, she didn't think Li Yufeng suddenly became romantic.

"I just want to have a meal with you." Li Yufeng waved his hand with an innocent expression.

Jin Xi glanced at Li Yufeng and decided not to ask any more questions.

In Li Yufeng's mouth, as long as it is something he doesn't want to say, he will definitely not be able to ask it.

But at least Jin Xi knew that Li Yufeng would not harm herself.

The couple's set menu came up soon. It's really a high-end restaurant's couple's set menu. Everything is made into a heart shape, even the steak is completely cut into a heart shape, and the sauce is sprinkled with "I LOVE YOU".

"It's the first time I've eaten this kind of thing." Li Yufeng smiled, pulled the steak over and began to cut into pieces, "I'll serve you once today, I heard. I haven't cut a steak for you before."

More than not cut?

We never ate together at all.

Jin Xi thought secretly in her heart, but she didn't say anything, she just curled her lips and continued to look at Li Yufeng's hand.

His hands are beautiful, slender and fair, just like the hands of a pianist, without any blemish at all.

"Here, let's eat." Li Yufeng pushed the cut steak to Jin Xi, "I cut it relatively thin, but it's a pity to destroy the heart shape."

"What's the pity? If it's broken, it's broken, and it can't be repaired." Jin Xi didn't know what she was thinking at the time, anyway, she just said it.

As soon as the words came out, the private room fell silent.

Li Yufeng didn't know how to start a conversation, and Jin Xi didn't know how to continue talking.

Is she a bit too shady?
Today might be the only chance to have dinner with Li Yufeng alone.

Both of them were silent for a long time before Li Yufeng coughed lightly, took a sip of the orange juice in front of Jin Xi, his movements were as elegant as tasting red wine.

"That's what I drank."

"Do you think I care?" Li Yufeng smiled slightly, his thin lips slightly parted, like a prince who walked out of a fairy tale book, Jin Xi forgot to turn his head for a while.

Damn it, she already knew that she had no resistance to Li Yufeng, so she shouldn't have promised him something to eat.

In case Li Yufeng proposes a reconciliation, should he agree?
Jin Xi was a little scared in her heart, as if secretly looking forward to it.

After he said such cruel words, can he still bow his head and beg for reconciliation?
"Jin Xi, eat more." Li Yufeng pushed the Black Forest Cake towards Jin Xi again, making Jin Xi's face full of food.

"I can't eat so much, you can eat it yourself." Jin Xi shook her head and pushed it back.

This kind of scene is like a couple, giving way to each other.

For a moment, Jin Xi really wanted to speak up and agree to reconciliation.

As long as you control the wind
"Jin Xi, if we could have done this earlier, wouldn't the relationship not be so stiff?" Li Yufeng suddenly brought up another topic, which made Jin Xi a little unresponsive.


"Just now when I came out of your room, I thought a lot." Li Yufeng narrowed his long and narrow eyes and smiled, his thin lips curled slightly, "I'm too strong, I have to follow the path I've arranged for everything, I Forget that you are also an individual, you also have a mind and a soul, you may not like the path I choose."

(End of this chapter)

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