Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 227 The price of the transaction [2]

Chapter 227 The price of the transaction [2]

"Ah Feng, this is..." Fan Chuang was a little confused, and held back Li Yufeng who was about to get off the plane.

He was afraid of any danger.

Li Yufeng shook his head, "It's okay, he belongs to my third uncle."

"Are you sure it's me?"

A steady male voice came, and then a tall figure stood in front of them.

After seeing Li Yufeng, Li Teng hooked his lips, and there was a deep smile on his equally handsome face.

"Third Uncle." Li Yufeng stepped off the plane and called Li Teng.

"This name is so far away from me, it calls me old!" Li Teng raised his hand, "Lan Ling, prepare the car, let's go back."

"Yes, my lord."

"Third Uncle, my nephew came to see you this time for one thing." Li Yufeng directly opened the skylight to speak bluntly, causing Li Teng to snort.

"You really have the same temper as Big Brother, why are you in a hurry? Let's talk when we go back!"

Hearing what Li Teng said, Li Yufeng was even more convinced that this person was him!
Follow him and get in the car, and the car drives away.

Arriving at Li Teng's residence, Li Yufeng was a little amazed at the building in front of him.

His father told him before that his third uncle always liked to design some interesting things by himself.

It was because his heart was not in fighting for power and profit that he had a dispute with Li Yufeng's grandfather and finally left the Li family.

"Master Li, please." It wasn't until Lan Ling bent down to invite him in that Li Yufeng realized that he had lost his mind just now.

He looked up at the woman in front of him, and his intuition told him that this woman was not simple.

Stepping into the hall, unexpectedly, there is no servant here.

"Sit down." Li Teng sat on the main sofa, then pointed to the opposite sofa, "We are also blood relatives, since you are here, I can't neglect you."

"Third Uncle, you are being polite." Li Yufeng narrowed his black eyes and smiled, but the corners of his mouth did not rise much.

The smile is fake.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?" Li Teng raised his hand to Lan Ling who was at the side, and Lan Ling immediately offered a lit cigarette.

That action is very natural.

Li Yufeng couldn't help but suspect their relationship.

"Third Uncle, how could you not know what I am here for?" Without [-]% certainty, he would not be so inspiring.

"Oh? For that matter?" Li Teng didn't deny it either, and looked at Li Yufeng with a smile in his black eyes.

"Nephew doesn't understand." What is the reason for helping others?

"Oh——" Li Teng suddenly laughed, "Of course I have my reasons, since you have already guessed that it is me, I might as well just say that the transaction has been terminated, but I will not tell you the content of our transaction. "

He didn't know how to talk around the bush, so he simply told Li Yufeng all about it.

Li Yufeng obviously didn't expect him to admit it so simply, he was slightly taken aback, opened his thin lips, and closed them again.

He said that he would not tell himself, so it would be futile to ask him again.

"Then the third uncle must have profited from it?"

"Of course, I don't do business that loses money." Li Teng took a puff of his cigarette, and Lan Ling who was beside him rushed to deliver an ashtray, "She came to me first for this deal, so I have no reason to push it away, Nothing to lose."

If it was Li Yufeng's life, he probably wouldn't trade it so simply.

(End of this chapter)

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