Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 247 The Final Winner Is You [4]

Chapter 247 The Final Winner Is You [4]

"What are you thinking?" Meng Qi's gentle voice came from behind, Li Yufeng frowned and cast a cold glance.

"No matter how much you do, it won't help."

"But I like it." Meng Qi's face didn't change, and her smile deepened, "I know you must be prepared, but I really enjoy this time alone with you, just a second more."

Her words were so touching, but Li Yufeng didn't resonate at all.

Now because of Xiaobao's matter, all plans may be delayed.

He couldn't move her. He couldn't contact the outside world either.

"Eat something, I made it all." Meng Qi prepared a lot of dishes and food on board, as if she really wanted to live here forever.

Li Yufeng waved his hand and pushed it away irritably, "Get lost!"

He can't wait to tear her apart every minute now, not to mention being alone in peace!
"Don't be angry." Meng Qi didn't know what was wrong, she stood beside him persistently, even when Li Yufeng scolded her, she was not angry, let alone leave.

"Get lost!" Li Yufeng didn't want to say anything else to her at all.

He still has to spend his time thinking about how to leave this deserted island.

You can't confront Meng Qi head-on, and you can't let her push her forward.

Li Yufeng really fell into the most difficult place in his life.

"Yu Feng, don't you want to know the whereabouts of that child?" Meng Qi raised her eyebrows, her tone was calm but threatening.

"Do you threaten me?"

"I don't want to either, as long as you stay with me properly." Meng Qi handed him the food again, "Hey, eat more, I don't want to starve you thin."

Li Yufeng raised his hand and was about to overturn it, but he still didn't exert any force when his fingers touched the plate.

"Okay! Meng Qi, you'd better pray that this matter can threaten me for the rest of my life!"

"Oh, I really want to." I'm afraid... everything will change in the next second.

In the end, he didn't eat what Meng Qi made.

Although he was hungry, he didn't have any appetite.

Looking at the vast sea, Li Yufeng's eyes suddenly appeared Jin Xi's face,

The way she smiled, the way she was angry, and the way she became angry from embarrassment were all so clear at this moment.

Li Yufeng swears that after this time, he will have a good start with Jin Xi again.

Even if they don't have the power and status of the Li family, it's fine to just be an ordinary couple.

In fact, Li Yufeng's eyelids were already very heavy. After being tortured for a whole day, plus the medicine Meng Qi injected himself, he was already struggling.

But he knew he couldn't sleep.

This sleep may have missed the opportunity to escape.

Suddenly, Li Yufeng's eyes light up.

A warm yellow light is very conspicuous in the sea.

Is it one of your own?

Li Yufeng lowered his head and thought for a while, he should be right in calculating the time.

Suddenly, the sound of human breathing came from behind.

Turning around abruptly, she saw Meng Qi looking at herself with a half-smile.

"Heh - Li Yufeng, the final winner is still you."

After all, she couldn't fight.

"I said earlier that you don't have any capital to fight with me."

"I didn't want to fight with you. From the beginning to the end, I just wanted to love you well." Even if I can't go back to the past, it's fine if I just love you unilaterally.

"Don't talk about love with me, it's an insult to this word." Li Yufeng looked away coldly, looking at the lights in the distance, "Meng Qi, tell me the whereabouts of Xiaobao now, and I promise to spare your life."

(End of this chapter)

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