Chapter 251 The bride is gone [1]

"Jin Xi is leaving? I'll send someone to look for it!" Fan Chuang became anxious when he saw the message.

"Slow down." Li Yufeng suddenly stretched out his hand to hold him.

"Ah Feng, Jin Xi is leaving!"

"Let her be quiet, I don't want to push her to extremes."

Meng Qi's incident made him understand some truths.

He didn't want Jin Xi to follow Meng Qi's path.

"Whether it's extreme or not, Afeng, if you like Jin Xi, hurry up and chase her!"

"Then you like Zhou Yu, why don't you go after him?"

"... These are two different things." Fan Chuang didn't know why Li Yufeng suddenly involved himself.

"Actually, it's the same." Li Yufeng chuckled, "If I don't chase, it doesn't mean I've given up. There's too much unhappiness between us, it's good to let her calm down, it's good for a fresh start."

"Then you are not afraid." What if Jin Xi falls in love with someone else?

"I believe that no one is more worthy of Jin Xi than me." In this regard, he has confidence in himself and in Jin Xi.

"You! You always do some desperate things! It makes me worry to death!" Fan Chuang muttered a little, and Li Yufeng listened quietly without disturbing.

The two of them drank up all the wine in the bottle, and Li Yufeng quietly asked Fan Chuang.

"Then what are you and Zhou Yu going to do?" He had been unwilling to admit that he had feelings for Zhou Yu, but he couldn't hide it from Li Yufeng.

"Me and Zhou Yu? I—"

"Don't say you're not interested in her." Li Yufeng interrupted Fan Chuang directly, "With me, do you need to talk about that?"

Fan Chuang was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, "You are still so good at reading people's hearts."

"I can't read." Otherwise, I wouldn't even be able to keep my own woman by my side.

"Then what are you going to do in the future?"

"Nothing to do! You forgot, I still have Xiaobao."

As long as Xiaobao is by his side for a day, he is not afraid that she will run too far.

Fan Chuang smiled and patted Li Yufeng on the shoulder.

"Sometimes I really envy you."

————Two years later————

In the high-end hotel, pink gauze and balloons are hung everywhere, and there are a few Hummers parked at the door, with happy words on them.

In the dressing room, there were only Jin Xi and Zhou Yu.

Today's Zhou Yu is extraordinarily beautiful, because she is going to get married.

He is a small business manager in Mushi. Although he can't be called a high-class person, he treats Zhou Yu very well.

"Are you nervous?" Jin Xi touched Zhou Yu's veil with a smile on her face.

"Of course I'm nervous!" Zhou Yu clenched his hands tightly, his fair face flushed a little, "Jin Xi, what should I do if I don't dare to bridal chamber at night?"

How can she teach ".fool! This kind of thing"?
"Oh! I regret why my head is hot, and I agreed to get married!" Zhou Yu stared at himself in the mirror, a little annoyed.

She agreed to get married entirely because she had indeed reached the age of marriage, but she didn't know how to describe how she felt about her fiancé.

"How kind Mo Yanxing is to you! You have to know how to cherish it! Maybe you will never find someone better than him!" Jin Xi patted Zhou Yu's hand, giving her a sense of stability, "Look at him, even you How can you expect a man to treat you well if he can drive for three hours to deliver you cold medicine with just a cough!"

Speaking of Mo Yanxing's kindness to Zhou Yu, she looked envious.

(End of this chapter)

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