Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 270 Li Yufeng, Let's Talk [4]

Chapter 270 Li Yufeng, Let's Talk [4]

"Jinxi. But me and Mo Yanxing. Oh! I'm so embarrassed to see him! The wedding was such a mess that I dare not call him now! I turned it on in the morning and found that he had been calling me all night The phone call, the last time at 10 o'clock this morning, he called every [-] minutes."

Mo Yanxing's kindness to him has now become a burden.

Jin Xi suddenly asked seriously, "Then you and Fan Chuang?"

"Fan Chuang?" Zhou Yu sighed, "He came prepared, is it possible for me to escape?"

"That's right." It's like Li Yufeng wants to insert himself into his life, but he can't be free.
"Then what do you say?" Can she refuse Fan Chuang?

"We can only let nature take its course." Just like himself, he also acquiesced to Li Yufeng.

Zhou Yu sighed, completely listless.

"Mom, auntie, give me a cheese cat!" Li Yechen took a small gray toy in his hand and showed it off to Jin Xi proudly.

Jin Xi picked him up and put him on her lap, then peeled off a hamburger and handed it to him.

"Good, eat more."

"En!" Li Yechen nodded heavily.

"So obedient! Ye Chen, tell Aunt Zhou Yu why you are so obedient?" Li Yechen's cute and cute appearance made Zhou Yu so rare.

Li Yechen said seriously, "Because Dad just said that only good babies can marry wives, so they don't have to get up."

"." Jin Xi was speechless for a moment, and couldn't help but roll her eyes at the ceiling.

Zhou Yu asked curiously, "Why do you not have to get up if you marry a wife?"

"Well, eat quickly." Jin Xi hurriedly pushed the food that Li Yufeng brought to Zhou Yu, so as to quickly end the topic.

Li Yufeng smiled brightly beside him, only Zhou Yu and Fan Chuang looked at Jin Xi and then at Li Yechen in bewilderment.

"Auntie, you drink milk." Li Yechen didn't understand that, and politely took a glass of milk and handed it to Zhou Yu.
"So good!" Zhou Yu was afraid that he would get burned, so he quickly took it. "Jin Xi, I'm so envious of you, having such an obedient son!"

"What are you envious of? We both have sex too." Fan Chuang hurriedly interjected, and Zhou Yu rolled his eyes.

Jin Xi pursed her lips and laughed, and the man beside her laughed even more, "Okay, hurry up and give birth to a girl and be my son's child bride."

"I don't want it!" Li Yechen on the side hurriedly protested.

"Why not?" Jin Xi lowered her head and asked Li Yechen.

"Well, because I don't want to get up as soon as possible. After they give birth to the baby, they have to walk before they can marry me. I don't want to wait! So I'd better marry Aunt Zhou Yu!" Li Yechen looked quite serious, and said He nodded his head reasonably.

It made the others laugh out loud.

—————Fujita Jiuri Dividing Line—————
Coming out of the supermarket, Fujita Koukichi got into a black Bentley directly.

"Go to Nanyuan."

"Yes, President."

The car drove away quickly, and Fujita Jiuhi glanced at the large bag of toys on the seat, and an unknown emotion flashed in his eyes.

Nanyuan is a very remote villa area. Few people live in it. The villa is not old, but because it is far away from the urban area, many rich people do not live here after buying it, but live in the city. Zone.


Quiet QQ: 906848144 ~ Recommend a friend's article: The Emperor's Favorite: The Ghost Fourth Miss [Author: Concubine Liuli]

(End of this chapter)

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