Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 284 Li Teng is also in China [3]

Chapter 284 Li Teng is also in China [3]

He also looks like an old and cunning businessman.

"That's best, Mr. Fujita, don't be angry. I'm just puzzled by Jin Xi's car accident just now, but you didn't contact us."

"Oh, tell me about this." Fujita Jiuri said, and took out a medical record, some medical receipts and laboratory test sheets from his trousers, "I'd have forgotten if you didn't tell me! Miss Jin Xi was arrested just now. Sending it in really made me busy, so I didn't contact you."

Looking at the stack of thick papers, the doubts in Fan Chuang's heart dissipated immediately.

"I really troubled you just now, I will send someone to send the medicine fee later!"

"It's okay, I'll directly deduct it from the planning case." Fujita Jiuri smiled gently, "If it's okay, I'll leave first."

"Okay, I'll take you to the car."

When Li Yufeng got off the plane, he didn't even stop, and took a taxi directly to the hospital.

Pushing open the door of the ward, everyone inside was startled.

"Li Yufeng?" Jin Xi's eyes widened, thinking she was hallucinating.

"Are there so soon? You are playing your life!" Fan Chuang hurried over to take the luggage from his hands, "Didn't I tell you that Jin Xi is fine now, why are you coming back in such a hurry."

Li Yufeng rushed to Jin Xi's side with a stride, looked at the gauze wrapped on her face, her black eyes flashed with haze, "Have you found the perpetrator?"

"Well, at the police station." Fan Chuang nodded.

"make him--"

"No!" Jin Xi hurriedly interrupted Li Yufeng, "I believe the Public Security Bureau will handle this matter well, so don't put pressure on them!"

"Women who dare to bump into me, I'll let him sit in prison!" Li Yufeng was angry and distressed now, seeing Jin Xi's pale little face, he wished that the injury was all on his body.

"They didn't do it on purpose, no one wanted to hit me on purpose." Jin Xi stretched out his hand and grabbed Li Yufeng's sleeve, "Why are you back? Isn't it going to take a few days?"

"You are already in the hospital, can I stay in Europe?!" Li Yufeng gave her a sharp look.

This heartless little woman!
"You guys are chatting. Zhou Yu and I will go out and buy some food. Let's eat in the ward in a while! Jin Xi still has two inspection reports yet to come out. After she comes out, go back to the villa to recuperate." Fan Chuang said, pulling Zhou Yu left.

Zhou Yu was sensible this time and didn't resist.

After they left, Li Yufeng held Jin Xi's catkin with his backhand, and sat on the edge of her hospital bed, "Does it hurt? Is there any other pain?"

Jin Xi shook her head and smiled at Li Yufeng, "No, I don't feel any pain when I see you come back."

"Heh - you still have a little conscience!" Li Yufeng snorted coldly, "Do you know that I was really scared, what is it like to feel soft feet for the first time?"

Very upset.

Jin Xi chuckled, "There will never be a next time."

"Want to do it next time? I'll wrap it all up for you tomorrow and throw it home!"

"Ah? You said you have no objection to my work." How to work at home?

"You still want to work after looking like this?" Li Yufeng looked Jin Xi up and down, and finally gave her a hard look, "How can I be tied down by such a heartless little woman like you?"

"...It's not what I want." Jin Xi muttered in a low voice.

Li Yufeng raised his ears, "What did you say?"


Today is the silent mommy's birthday, the update will be later~
(End of this chapter)

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