Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 298 How have you lived these two years [2]

Chapter 298 How have you lived these two years [2]

"I really don't blame you, it's all my fault, why should I mention this!" Jin Xi held his hand and gently placed it on her chest, "Those things are over, I promise not Will bring it up again."

"Jin Xi. If you could do it all over again, would you still choose to get entangled with me?"

This is a question that Li Yufeng has always wanted to ask, but dare not ask.

Sure enough, Jin Xi's answer was to shake her head.

"I always just want to live a peaceful life. I don't want to be disturbed. If God can make me not passive and able to choose by myself, I would rather find a farmer in the country, build a small tile-drilled house, and live an ordinary life. "

There were too many waves, she was afraid even thinking about it now.

If there is a problem in any of these links, what they will face in the end will be old age and death.

Li Yufeng was silent, his black eyes were open, but they were out of focus.

He knew that Jin Xi wanted to live an ordinary life, but this was the only thing he couldn't give.

Just my own face is like a bank card recognition machine, no matter where I go, I can't return to the ordinary.

"Don't think about it too much, yours is just a hypothesis, it's an if." Jin Xi was afraid that Li Yufeng would be overwhelmed, so he quickly pulled his clothes, "There won't be such a day, and if we really go back to the past, we will Surely it won't make you fall in love with me."

"Heh—" Li Yufeng chuckled suddenly, "What should I do, Jin Xi, I found that I can't do without you."

"Then don't leave." Jin Xi hugged Li Yufeng's narrow waist tightly, "No matter what happens in the future, you have to trust me, okay? Don't doubt me anymore, let's not... in argument."

She really didn't want to go to a mental hospital for another second!

"Well, we won't quarrel anymore, even if you get angry with me in the future, I won't quarrel with you."

Li Yufeng sniffed the fragrance of her hair, feeling overflowing with satisfaction.

If only they could hug each other like this for a lifetime.

As for Jin Xi who was hugged tightly by Li Yufeng, her eyes flickered.

Huo Xu, Fujita Nine Days
When she woke up the next day, Jin Xi was surprised to find that Li Yufeng was not in the room!
Putting on slippers and going downstairs, Zhou Yu was the only one in the hall.

"Where is Li Yufeng?"

"Let's go with Fan Chuang."

Zhou Yu Nian said while eating potato chips.

"Did they say what they were going to do?"

Zhou Yu shook his head. "I don't know, but I heard from Fan Chuang that Li Yufeng seems to want to start a business."

"Entrepreneurship?! Are you kidding me?" Li Yufeng didn't dare to be the president of the consortium, but wanted to start his own business?
What is he playing?
"Why did I lie to you?" Zhou Yu smiled and threw the last piece of potato chips into his mouth, chewing a few times, "Don't think about it too much, they won't be fooled by big men, they must be watching us work They are not to be outdone, so they decided to start a business together.”
"But they don't need to start a business at all."

No matter how good Xiyu's studio is, no consortium can earn as much in an hour, what exactly is Li Yufeng trying to do.

"You don't understand this, it's called a man's self-esteem!" Zhou Yu curled his lips, "They probably think that we have become strong women, which stimulated their masculine self-esteem."


I have been silently cooking for three days, I am too sleepy, save the two chapters in the early morning until I wake up~ Please understand
(End of this chapter)

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