Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 306 You promised him? 【1】

Chapter 306 You promised him? 【1】

Li Yufeng suddenly knelt down on one knee, took out a diamond ring from the sapphire blue velvet box, held it in front of her eyes with both hands, "Jin Xi, marry me."

Jin Xi's mind was empty, and she couldn't think at all.

On the contrary, the crowd became excited and kept shouting. "Marry him, marry him!"

"Li Yufeng, please stop making trouble, please." Jin Xi stepped forward with red eyes and pushed Li Yufeng, "Why are you so provocative? You make me want to refuse!"

"Then don't refuse." Li Yufeng held her hand with a smile, and put the ring firmly on her ring finger, "Jin Xi, you can only marry me, if you refuse me, you I will be a nun for the rest of my life, but I, the monk, will accompany you."

"Li Yufeng, you're annoying." Jin Xi sniffed and beat him.

Li Yufeng was very happy to be beaten, and the smile on his face couldn't be removed.

"To celebrate my successful marriage proposal, all products in the department store are [-]% off today!"

Immediately, the crowd flocked to the entrance of the department store.

After being in Li Yufeng's arms for a while, Jin Xi said belatedly, "You lost all your money, how can you support me?"

"Don't worry, I still have money!"

—————Fujita Jiuri Dividing Line—————

Xiao Wang's eyes suddenly became inflamed, causing a high fever that persisted for days.

Fujita Jiuri hasn't even been out of the hospital these days, and has always been by his side.

Finally got better today, and Xiao Wang fell asleep in bed.

Bored, Fujita Jiuri picked up his mobile phone to look through it, and suddenly found a record that was calling from Jin Xi!
His heartbeat suddenly accelerated, he was so busy these days that he even forgot about Jin Xi!

I quickly dialed back, but no one answered after ringing for a long time.

Could something be wrong?

I dialed several times in a row, but still no one answered.

Fujita Jiuri hurriedly stood up, and as soon as he walked out of the door, he heard two little nurses discussing.

"Do you know how envious I am of that person named Jin Xi? I really want to have such a romantic proposal!"

"Don't dream! Just your boyfriend doesn't understand romance at all!"

"Yeah, I feel cowardly just thinking about it! I want to break up with him! If that handsome guy could look at me today, I would die!"

"You're crazy!"

"Why does it sound like you're not excited today!"

"Okay, okay, I'm also envious, okay?"

The two nurses walked further and further away, and Fujita Kyuhichi froze in place.

In the past few days in the hospital, what happened outside?
What Jin Xi, what proposal?
Suddenly, Fujita Kuichi's body froze.

Did Li Yufeng propose to Jin Xi?
Without thinking too much, he hurriedly strode out of the hospital.

After inquiring with a few passers-by, Fujita Kyuichi probably understood.

Taking a taxi to the entrance of this Xifeng Building, Fujita Jiuri wanted to go in, but stopped at the entrance.

What can I do now?
it's not a wise choice
If you go in now, you will definitely expose your identity, and then there will be no way to proceed.
Gritting his teeth, Fujita Kukichi's eyes flashed hatred.

Looking at the four words Xifeng Building in red above, he slowly narrowed his eyes.

"Li Yufeng, you won't get Jin Xi so easily, I swear."

(End of this chapter)

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