Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 315 Li Yufeng's Indifference [2]

Chapter 315 Li Yufeng's Indifference [2]

He is tired even if he is tired, and sometimes he is happy from the bottom of his heart when he goes out to eat alone with her or chats with her.

He really felt that he and Jin Xi were made for each other.

"Heh - I let go of my feelings for so many years. In fact, if you let go one day, you may feel that the world is much more exciting." Lan Ling smiled, and the corners of his mouth were a little bit bitter.

In fact, others don't understand, but she understands that feeling best.

"Let it go?" Fujita Kuhi chuckled, "I'm not as ruthless as you women, if I say let it go, I won't look back!"

"We women also have difficulties"

"Difficulties? Heh——you don't have any difficulties. If you don't love me, you will leave without looking back! What's wrong with me to Jin Xi? I never did anything sorry for her from the beginning to the end. Every time she I'm not by your side? Every time she was injured and bullied by Li Yufeng, I didn't show up?" Fujita Jiuri was a little hysterical, and his emotions burst out.

Lan Ling couldn't insert her mouth, so she could only listen quietly.

"Yes, I'm not as powerful as Li Yufeng. When he robbed the marriage, I couldn't resist, but I didn't even want my parents because of Jin Xi, you know? I just watched my parents be killed. Burn to death! Burn to death alive! Now she is still intimately with that person, how do you let me feel relieved?"
"It's really chaotic between you." Lan Ling wanted to comfort her, but finally gave up.

"Forget it, it's useless for me to get angry with you, I'm just talking about venting, don't take it to heart." Fujita Kyuhi frowned and pointed to the second floor, "I feel a little tired, I'm going to the second floor take a break."

"Okay, I'll take Xiao Wang out to play."

———— Li Yufeng & Jin Xi ————
Li Yufeng was busy until very late before coming back.

Jin Xi didn't fall asleep in the room, she turned on a light and waited for him to come back.

It was about eleven o'clock before she heard the door of the room open.

Some didn't know how to face it, so Jin Xi simply closed her eyes.

But she pricked up her ears to listen, but found that there was no sound? !
Huo Di sat up, was there anyone else in the room?

Quickly put on slippers and open the door of the room, just in time to see Li Yufeng's slender figure smoking at the door facing away.

Hearing the sound, he turned his head slightly and met Jin Xi's eyes.

But just for a moment, he turned back.

"Li Yufeng" Jin Xi called softly, "Why don't you go in?"

"I'm sleeping in the guest room today." After speaking, Li Yufeng was about to leave.

Jin Xi hurried to hold his hand, "Why? Don't we have a room?"

"Jin Xi, I think it's better for us to calm down."

"What do you mean?" She hadn't expected such an indifferent voice for a long time, and she was a little flustered.

"It's nothing, I just feel that there is not even a minimum of trust between us. You believe everything others say to you, and you come to doubt me, so I can't argue with it! You know the work in the consortium before, and I probably did it unintentionally. If you offend someone or hurt someone who has nothing to do with it, if you quarrel with me every time, I don't have that much energy to explain to you."

The thing he always hated the most was explaining something to others, but today he explained it to her for a long time, but she didn't believe it at all?

(End of this chapter)

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