Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 318 Don’t be angry, okay [2]

Chapter 318 Don’t be angry, okay [2]

Jin Xi shook her head, "Huo Xu, I thought that no matter who lied to me, you wouldn't lie to me, but you disappointed me so much, you actually picked bad things! How could you do such a thing?"

Fujita was taken aback for a moment, not understanding Jin Xi's words.

Did she know?

"Yes, Li Yufeng is sorry for you, and I am sorry for you, but shall we continue to entangle? Li Yufeng has withdrawn from the consortium. We are living a very good life now. I hope you bless us."

"You asked me to bless you?" Fujita Jiuri suddenly snorted coldly as if tearing off his mask, "Yes, I framed Li Yufeng, but I have no regrets, let alone feel sorry for Li Yufeng He owes me more than that!"

"Huo Xu, why did you become like this?" In her memory, Huo Xu was a reasonable, gentle and refined man.

But she didn't recognize the person in front of her.

"You still ask me why I changed? I was forced to do this!"
"You—" Jin Xi stood up from her seat, "You are so paranoid, I don't think I have anything to say."

She felt that it was useless to talk to Huo Xu at this time.

Jin Xi turned around and was about to leave, but Fujita Jiuri hurriedly grabbed her, "What are you going to do?"

"Huo Xu, I don't want to know you like this." It's too scary, Jin Xi dare not get close to this kind of resentment.

"Jin Xi! How can you be so cruel? I became like this, for whom?"

Jin Xi was stunned and had nothing to say.

That's right, it's because of myself.

"Don't go, okay? Leave Li Yufeng and come back to me." Fujita Jiuri's voice suddenly softened, and he stretched out his hand to try to wrap her waist.

Jin Xi avoided it directly, and looked back at him, "It seems that after doing all this, you still don't understand love."

"Then what do you say love is?" How could he not understand?

"It's very simple. I love Li Yufeng, but I don't love you. This is love."

"You—" The words were too blunt, struck like a sharp sword, and Fujita Kyuhichi's face turned pale immediately.

"Huo Xu, if you can figure it out in the future, we will still be friends. If you don't understand it, don't contact me again." She couldn't bear such feelings.

"How do you know I lied?" Didn't she believe herself at first?

Fujita Kuichi didn't know what went wrong with him.

Jin Xi snorted, "Meng Qi was not beaten to death at all, she committed suicide and died at gunpoint."

Fujita Jiuri's face froze immediately, and even the hand holding Jin Xi's clothes was slowly released.

Jin Xi took the bag and left, leaving him behind.

————Jinxi Dividing Line————

After coming out of the restaurant, Jin Xi felt heavy and dull, as if a big stone was pressing on her chest.

Before he knew it, he walked to the entrance of Xifeng Building.

Looking up at the building, Jin Xi recalled the scene when Li Yufeng proposed to her.

And he wronged him.
what to do?Will Li Yufeng forgive himself this time?
After hesitating at the door, Jin Xi stepped in.

Because Li Yufeng's marriage proposal was very sensational, all the staff of Xifeng Building knew Jin Xi, and she went to Li Yufeng's office without any hindrance.

Stopping at the door for a while, Jin Xi was thinking about what to tell Li Yufeng.

The office was quiet, but the secretary said that Li Yufeng was inside.

A white hand rested on the door, but she didn't have the strength to open it.

(End of this chapter)

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