Forcibly marrying an old love: Dangerous ex-husband

Chapter 325 Li Yufeng, Let's Get Married [2]

Chapter 325 Li Yufeng, Let's Get Married [2]


Gunshots sounded in the next second.

Li Yufeng's slender figure swayed a few times, and suddenly he heard a woman's scream coming from the door.

Then all kinds of chaotic sounds filled his ears, and he fell down.

In the hospital, many people gathered at the door of the emergency room, including Lan Ling and Xiao Wang.

Zhou Yu has been by Jin Xi's side all the time, and Jin Xi's hand has been tightly held.

I don't know what's going on inside, Jin Xi only saw Li Yufeng being pushed in with blood all over his body, it's been almost ten hours, but there is still no movement.

"What should I do Zhou Yu? I can't lose him." Jin Xi's eyes were already swollen from crying, and even her cheeks were a little swollen.

Zhou Yu patted her hand, wanting to open his mouth to comfort her, but he didn't know where to start.

It's not known whether Li Yufeng's life or death was inside, and she got in because of a gunshot wound, so she didn't dare to say anything.

Now that I tell Jin Xi that Li Yufeng is fine, then Jin Xi will be even more unable to bear the blow.

"Why haven't you come out yet?" Fan Chuang at the side couldn't bear it anymore, stood up and wanted to knock on the door to ask.

Zhou Yu shook his head, "You better not bother the doctors inside."

At this critical juncture, no one dares to say anything.

Xiao Wang was still young, and fell asleep while lying in Lan Ling's arms, but Lan Ling was very calm, her beautiful face was always cold, and she sat on the chair as if waiting for something.

Suddenly, Zhou Yu exclaimed, and everyone's eyes turned to her at the same time.


Jin Xi's body crashed to the ground and passed out.


"Call the doctor!"

"No, her blood pressure is low, don't move."

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

————— Li Yufeng & Jin Xi—————
The balcony in the afternoon is very comfortable, and the sun is warm on the body.

Jin Xi pushed the wheelchair into the yard, stopped under the gazebo, turned her head and smiled, "Drink water?"

The person in the wheelchair had a stinky face and was wearing a blue and white hospital gown, "Don't drink! I'm not in the mood."

"Drinking water requires mood?" Jin Xi raised her eyebrows, deeply feeling that the man in front of her is too difficult to serve, "If you continue to be so disobedient, be careful that Ye Chen will come back and make fun of you!"

Li Yufeng raised his eyes and gave Jin Xi a displeased look, but he still stretched out his hand to catch the water and took a small sip.

"Does the wound still hurt?" Jin Xi asked softly.

Li Yufeng shook his head with a stinky face.

"Li Yufeng, I want to tell you two things today." Jin Xi's face suddenly became serious.

Li Yufeng raised his eyebrows, "What's the matter?"

"The first one." Jin Xi paused, "I discussed with Zhou Yu to absolutely close Xiyu's studio, and spend your money exclusively at home in the future!"

"." Li Yufeng's expression softened immediately, "It should have been closed a long time ago!"

Women were not supposed to come out to work.

"Second thing."

"what's up?"

Jin Xi suddenly walked in front of Li Yufeng, and squatted on the ground at eye level with him.

"The second thing is - Li Yufeng, let's get married."

"What?" Li Yufeng's eyes widened, his black pupils were full of surprise.

Jin Xi put her hand on his big hand, and smiled gently, "I've thought about it a lot, and I think after going through so much, we don't want to torture each other anymore, so let's get married."

As soon as Jin Xi finished speaking, Li Yufeng in the wheelchair suddenly wanted to stand up, but unfortunately——


"What's wrong with you? Is there something wrong? Why do you want to stand up all of a sudden! Your abdominal injury hasn't healed yet!"

"It's all your fault! Marriage proposal should be a man's business, what do you say as a woman?"


【End of text】

Tomorrow, Li Teng's episode will start, and Li Yufeng and Jin Xi's wedding will be attached~ Don't miss it!
(End of this chapter)

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