open sea

Chapter 1048 Iron Horse

Chapter 1048 Iron Horse
Beiyang Ordnance Bureau seems to always carry the roar of machines.

Ye Mengxiong put on his overalls and followed the head of the Ordnance Bureau to inspect the iron horse factory building under construction.

Work clothes are not workers’ clothes, but official uniforms specially approved by Beiyang officials to the court. Any official entering the Beiyang Arms Bureau must change into work clothes. The color, fabric and dark pattern of the work clothes are the same as those of the imperial court. The reason is that there is no robe.

In terms of shape, official uniforms can basically be regarded as Beiyang military uniforms with different fabrics, but there are patches on the front and back, and the wide sleeves and short hem at the waist can try their best to avoid the embarrassment and danger of the robe being entangled by machines.

This is not without precedent. Ye Mengxiong asked the imperial court to prepare work clothes for the officials precisely because last year an officer in Baoding Prefecture had his sleeves caught by a steam engine, tearing his official robes was extremely embarrassing, and it also made people aware of the danger. .

"Make iron horses and sell them to workers?"

It was Guan Zun'er who was speaking. He is now the head of the Beiyang Military Weapons Bureau. He was just transferred from the Nanyang Defense Military Weapons Bureau last year. Similarly, Guan Zunban, the previous Beiyang Military Weapons Bureau chief, was transferred to the Nanyang Defense Military Weapons Bureau by Ye Mengxiong.

The latest technologies in this era are located in the Northern and Southern Second Ocean Military Bureaus. The two military bureaus focus on different directions. Nanyang focuses on making guns, while Beiyang's strengths are in mechanical applications.

The rotation of the directors of the Eryang Military Bureau will not only confirm each other's strengths and complement each other's weaknesses in technology, but also allow the Xuanfu Military Bureau, Zunhua Iron Works, Beiyang Industrial Zone and Foshan Tiehu, which have complementary industrial capabilities, to integrate into one handicraft industry zone. place.

Every workshop in the Ordnance Bureau was shrouded in a huge roar, and people seemed to stick to their ears even when talking.

The newly built factory building is better, because this bicycle factory building called "Iron Stables" has not been fully repaired, and there are various large mechanical parts piled up in the far corner. Jun A steam engine.

The iron stable needs to install not only such a steam engine, but also supporting parts, such as a huge flywheel weighing three thousand kilograms and a terrifying cast iron piston cylinder embedded in the wall.Workers in dark craftsmen's uniforms are following the map, using blue bricks to place marks one after another around the factory building.

"What are they doing?"

It’s not that Ye Mengxiong has never been in the Weapons Bureau, but he spends more time on military training and military affairs. The Military Weapons Bureau has a monthly inspection and management by the head of the Ministry of Industry. It's useless.

Guan Zuner looked at those marks and the huge steam engine, his eyes showed a faint fanaticism, and he pointed upwards and said: "The sky axis, the type A in the sixth year of Wanli can generate the power of six ponds, and the power of a thousand ton can't be used alone, so use the sky axis." Shafts and gears send force to the beams and down, and different forces to the drill press, file press, and drive belt."

"The beams can't support the sky shaft, you have to use brick walls to hold them may not be interested."

Guan Zun'er couldn't stop when he saw Mr. Huodexing's mouth, he talked for a long time on his own, and then stopped when he turned around and noticed Ye Mengxiong's expression, but the joy on his face was still unstoppable, and he clenched his fists and said : "There is also a Wanli Sixth Year A in Beiyang No. [-] Textile Factory. Twelve workers can make it run. They are not skilled craftsmen. It only takes two or three days to learn. Three boiler workers pour charcoal and six A dripper oils the machine, three workers deflate it, and only twelve men are needed!"

"Use the sky axis to carry 120 Zhinu A-type looms. There are only [-] weavers in the whole factory. Skilled workers are also not needed. Huode Xingjun and Zhinu have done all the work. The workers only need to stop when the machine stops. When they are finished, they will connect and fetch cloth. They only eat charcoal and never sleep. Between day and night, they are worth twenty weavers."

"A textile factory, one Huode Xingjun and 120 Weaving Girls, employs more than forty people at full capacity, and its output is equivalent to that of a large family in the south of the Yangtze River with two thousand looms. It costs less than them, produces more than them, and produces more. The cloth is better, and the Weaver Girl never makes mistakes."

"You saw that big crankshaft. Mr. Huode Xing boiled the water, it turned and I walked over and was hit by it, and I died." Guan Zun'er admired the sense of power brought by the machine very much, and cupped his fists To Ye Mengxiong, he said seriously: "When the two capitals and thirteen provinces of the Ming Dynasty all have this kind of machine, all the countries in the world, whoever stands in the way, we only need to boil some water, and he will die if we touch it."

In his eyes, there is no one in this world who can stop Huode Xingjun's power. As long as the water is boiled, all problems will be solved.

Weaving, making guns, shelling, grinding, drilling, sawing, polishing...everything that needs to move in this world will be crushed to pieces.

Ye Mengxiong was not as fanatical as Guan Zuner, he was very calm, and asked repeatedly: "A textile factory with 42 looms only needs [-] people?"

"Yes, 42, and there will be less." Guan Zun'er raised his hand and said excitedly: "After trial, I have reported to the Steam Bureau. The work of deflation should be done by Huode Xingjun himself. For example, there is one When something is pushed up when the gas in the boiler is pressed to a certain level, it can release some gas and then its weight will push it back; there is also an oil dripper, a funnel or something, which slowly drips oil by itself, Then let the oil go down the machine and leave it in a small pot, and just repeat it casually a day, all of which can be done by Huode Xingjun himself."

"At that time, only 32 people will be needed to complete it."

Unexpectedly, Ye Mengxiong was not very happy, and asked eagerly: "How many such textile factories are there in Beiyang, and how many are there in Nanyang?"

"There are textile factories No. [-] to No. [-] in Beiyang; twelve factories in Nanyang, all of which are under the rule of the capital of Guangdong; four in Fujian, four in Songjiang Prefecture in Nanzhili, and one in Shandong." Guan Zuner saw Ye Mengxiong He frowned deeply, closed his eyes in pain, and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, Ye Shuai?"

"Fifty-four thousand...these textile factories using Huode Xingjun replaced the fifty-four thousand most skilled weavers with only 130 people, so how do you let those skilled weavers make a living?"

"It's just weaving households. They have done everything. Chen Shuai said that Beiyang is for the well-being of the people of the world, but what is this now?" Ye Mengxiong said slowly: "More cloth flows into the market, and the price of cloth falls. It's..."

"The price of cloth has indeed dropped." Guan Zun'er thought about Ye Mengxiong's words a little rudely, but he smiled on his face: "But the imperial court has been controlling it. As long as there is a market for overseas trade, the price of cloth will not drop sharply; then Fifty-four thousand weavers are still weaving. The machines are powerful, but they are still more stupid. The weavers in Ming Dynasty are not only able to weave white cotton, they can spin, jacquard, dye, and jacquard. Machines are not something Huode Xingjun can understand."

"It can't steal the people's jobs. If it can, Ye Shuai is not the first court official Guan has seen who is heartbroken by this. Chen Shuai has long predicted this."

"Guan's clan is highly regarded by Chen Shuai, and they are among the craftsmen. They remember every word and sentence in their hearts and dare not violate it a little bit. This is the only time." He proved that what Chen Shuai said was wrong, merchants and machines will never be able to lead beasts to eat people on the land of Ming Dynasty."

(End of this chapter)

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