open sea

Chapter 505 Yangon

Chapter 505 Yangon
Today's Yangon is not the extremely prosperous Yangon of later generations. In fact, in October of the second year of Wanli, Chen Mu's fleet did not encounter any obstacles when it landed in Yangon.

In the Yuan Dynasty, it was called Dagon, also known as Daguang, which means Sangang Village in Sanskrit, and it got its name from the ancient rumor that there were three hills here.

Even now, Yangon is only a small town, thanks to a local pagoda named Shwe Daguang. In later generations, this pagoda, which stood on a hill of more than [-] feet at the highest point in Yangon, was increased to [-] feet. High, but it is obviously not that high now, and it seems that the name is not worthy of the name.

"Rui Daguang Pagoda, Rui means gold in Burmese, and Daguang is a place name, so its name is... Golden Pagoda?"

Chen Mu pursed his lips and clasped his hands together under the pagoda, and bowed impiously. If it wasn't for the vicious bannermen behind him who stabbed forward with their spears and stopped the unarmed local people guarding the pagoda, this should have been a one-off. Very friendly Buddhist and Taoist interaction.

As he bowed, the hostility of the surrounding Yangon people also slightly weakened. Old Pinto stood behind Chen Mu with his mouth curled up, watching his employer pretending to worship Buddha, and listening to this guy muttering in a low voice: "Listen!" It is said that there are eight hairs of the Buddha hidden in this pagoda, look at the gold outside, which is offered by the worshiping people, and there is also a jade Buddha statue."

Compared with the hostility of the local people, the monks are quite friendly. The monks in Myanmar also have land, temple property, and monk soldiers, but they are much more powerful than the monks of the Ming Dynasty.

After the 400 vanguard troops of the Daming Zongfan Army unsheathed their knives, patrolled the town with bullets on their guns, and two Chihai-class Liujia warships sailed into the mouth of the Dajinsha River, after a friendly negotiation between the two sides, Chen Mu made a decision not to seize The temple property, the promise not to kill the monks and the people, the small town of Yangon immediately turned to the light, and no longer interfered with everything about them.

This is true Ming, Daming's Ming.

In late October, Chen Mujun built water forts and military forts at the southern estuary of the Dajinsha River, hoarded food and grass, and sent scouts to Burma in the north. A Portuguese adventurer sent by the leader Digo Mero.

Subsequently, more than [-] vassal flag troops arrived in Hong Kong one after another in the middle of the first ten days, and the warships sailed into the water fortress in the river. The Nanyang Army also built the first Muzha camp in Myanmar. Along the coast, No. Bali Camp.

"Brother Mu, you didn't see that, those monks are so rich, and the common people are all naked, and they even send food from home to the temple, oops."

This kind of presumptuous voice usually does not appear in the yamen of the commander-in-chief of the Bali camp, whoever speaks softly, unless Shao Tingda, the commander of Mang Chong, comes.

Chen Mu was staring at Pinto, Juniper, and several military flag officers who graduated from the martial arts hall, summarizing the river and the map along the route that the scouts had explored. Mang Chong, wearing a military armor in iron hat and helmet, walked into the Yamen wiping the sweat from his brow.

What remains unchanged is his foster son and sick seedling. Not to mention, even though they are foster sons, the two people are very similar in shape. The general's belly is small, and the belts of the two breastplates are all large sizes specially ordered by the Ordnance Bureau.

Now Mang Chong's adoptive son is the captain of his family. Nanshan chased him with five hundred knives and axes, and saved twelve ear spirits. He was very brave.

It's just that every time this kid sees Chen Mu, it's like a mouse seeing a cat. His eyebrows are downcast and he dare not speak. He is so afraid of Shao Tingda, a fool like Shao Tingda, which makes the self-proclaimed kind Chen Dashuai very unhappy.

Seeing Mang Chong come back, Chen Mu told Juniper and Pinto: "You two will compare the map with the Portuguese map later."

"It just so happens that you are here." After Chen Mu explained the map, he turned his head and asked Shao Tingda to sit down. The little sick man was looking for where to hide behind with his head lowered. Chen Mu raised his hand and pointed outside, taunting him. Said: "You are so big, you can't hide it when the chair is low."

With a laugh, Chen Mucai said: "I'll talk to your father, I know you are uncomfortable seeing me, so go out and stand for a while."

If someone else said this, he might not be happy about it, but the sick young man seemed to have received a pardon, and he cupped his fists and said in a low voice, "Thank you, Commander, for your fulfillment!"

Overjoyed, Pidianerdian went out.

"Find out, isn't this place suitable for growing rice?" Chen Mu raised his hand and pushed the grapefruit tea that had just been chilled by the soldiers on the table to Shao Tingda, and said, "Myanmar is a good place, with a lot of teak, it is an excellent boat material , the developed river channel is good for transportation, but the local people are few, and they were taken to the north by Mang Yinglong."

"In the future, this and Annan will be Daming's southwest granary."

Shao Tingda was also not polite to Chen Mu, picked up the tea bowl to drink, and sighed: "This pomelo looks ugly, but it's quite sweet. Oh, it's too hot for me."

"Brother Mu, do you know how interesting things I heard? Agriculture is developing here, and further north to Upper Burma, the place where agriculture is most prosperous is the Baigu of Mang Yinglong." Shao Tingda found something funny He said with a persistent smile on his face, "I heard people say that there is a weir and canal in the north of Baigu, called Dingdui, and they said it was built by the Chinese."

"It is said that in the fourth year of Dade, the Yuan army sent troops from Yunnan to conscript Burma. The generals below the marshal were bribed and returned to the army in the scorching heat. They didn't follow the military order. They even led the army to help the local people through the drought to repair water canals and dredge canals. , that canal is still in use now.”

Chen Mu also laughed when he heard that, there are still many good people in this world!

He shook his head and said to Mang Chong: "Speaking of business, Baigu is only two hundred miles away from here, by land, how many days can we get there at the earliest?"

Bai Gu is Mang Yinglong's foundation, but his army is now in the north, attacking Bai Gu is Chen Mu's best choice at the moment.

The reason why they landed in Yangon, where the birds don't shit, is because land and sea are not easy to land. There is a fortress built by Portuguese mercenaries for Mang Yinglong on the side of Baigu near the sea. Once they can't attack Mang Yinglong for a long time, they can only retreat Phuket, so he would rather attack by land from Yangon to Baigu.

"The road is not easy. There is only one main road. I heard from the old man that you can go along the river bank to the end, and then go seven miles north. You can see the official road. If you go northeast, you will reach Baigu. On the road, you must not only be careful of the army, but also take precautions." The enemy army has run out of food."

"I want them to go out of the city to fight, I'm afraid they will stick to it."

Chen Mu shook his head and said: "Mang Yinglong may be the strongest enemy the Nanyang Army has ever encountered. In the battle between great powers, there are both strengths and disadvantages. Only a small country like Myanmar, which is on the rise, is on the rise. There are a lot of bird guns and cannons, if they stick to it, I'm afraid this battle will be really difficult to fight."

"Shi Qi from Phuket told him to send a fleet to the bank of the Baigu River to try his luck. If the enemy troops come out of the city to stop us, he can try to seize the city." Chen Mu tapped the table twice, Said: "The key is still waiting for me to try to win in the field."

(End of this chapter)

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