open sea

Chapter 97

Chapter 97
When the county magistrate Zhou Xing left, Chen Mu's entourage had already tidied up the thousands of houses, and set up a workshop and a hospital in the front hall. Cheng Hongyuan finally resigned as a doctor at Guangcheng Huimin Pharmacy and followed Chen Mu Come to Xiangshan to take office.

The cattle and horses remained the same, except for Chen Qianhu's Huoshaoyun, the rest of the horses were shared by the banner officials of the Qianhu Office, and the cattle pulling the carts were handed over to Sun Ao, the deputy Qianhu, who asked him to find a few bannermen to raise them and use them for farming.

After Chen Mu asked, he realized that the guards at the Xiangshan Thousand Households Office were not old at all, and this Sun Ao was also a newcomer, and his meritorious service was similar to theirs.He was under the command of General Zhang Yuanxun on Fujian South Road. He followed Zeng Yiben who resisted and burned down Chenghai County before and after the Chinese New Year, and made great contributions and was promoted to Deputy Qianhu of Xiangshan.

Zhang Yuanxun, like Wang Rulong, was originally from the Qi family army.

In this era of Fujian and Guangdong generals, there is no one who has nothing to do with Qi Shuai.

But Sun Ao was really promoted. He was promoted from sentry officer to deputy Qianhu, while Deng Zilong was promoted from chief to deputy Qianhu. There is a fundamental difference in this matter.

"Brother Deng, we have to recruit if we don't have soldiers, so don't resign as an officer, be optimistic, and solve problems if there are any."

Chen Mu wandered around the Qianhu Office, and then went back to the front hall to see the two deputy Qianhu still sitting in the hall, before Deng Zilong could speak, he said: "The battalion soldiers are all recruited, you two used to be battalion generals, Can you go recruit soldiers?"

"Bai Qianhu used to recruit more than 400 Danmin households in Shaozhou to join the army. He gave them three taels of silver, and even let the Danmin fish in the Beijiang River in Qingcheng. If you don't learn from Xiangshan, we will also recruit Danmin to join the army."

Chen Mu spread his hands and said: "Chen doesn't have that much money, so I'll give you two 300 taels each, and recruit six hundred households to come over. When the Dan people come, Mr. Chen will give three stones of grain first, and each household will give one ding. For the bandits in Liangdu, [-] acres of Hailand will be given to them for fishing and hunting."

"Ten taels?"

The first thing in Deng Zilong's mind was not whether he could recruit Danmin, but where did Chen Mu get so much money.

It's normal for a fifth-rank military officer to give out a hundred taels of silver. He gritted his teeth and cleared his family's fortune. 300 taels is not difficult. The smoke didn't leave him anything, but now he easily took out 600 taels.

Deng Zilong pondered for a while, then asked in a low voice: "Qianhu, the Rockets are sold?"

He still remembered Chen Mu raising three fingers to ask him for five taels of silver!

Chen Mu smiled and didn't speak, and asked the servant to take 600 taels of silver and hand it over to the two deputy thousand households, saying: "The guard is a waste of time, you get the man here, and Chen will do the rest."

This time he was actually lucky. Shao Tingda went to Yuegang to buy a farm and house, but it didn't go as smoothly as he had told him.The imperial court has regulations. Officials are not allowed to buy farmland and houses for official land. Besides, there is a law for sellers to ask all neighbors. If you want to buy a farm house, you must first ask the relatives and neighbors who have signed the name on the post to buy the house. Only after obtaining permission can you sell the house .

But Shao Tingda did not have this kind of problem. The Japanese pirates made every family in the coastal area want to sell their houses and fields. Who would not want to buy houses in the city? In the wave of house sales, the Shao clan bought houses and land, and even the county magistrate of Yuegang was very supportive.

As for the silver in hand, it was obtained by selling the grain in Qingyuan. Baihusuo left more than 4000 stones for two seasons, left half of it for Bai Yuanjie, and sold the remaining two thousand stones to Zhang Yongshou at a discount for twenty ingots of gold.

One gold and eight silver, easy to carry.

In addition, there are more than 800 stone grains collected from 600 acres of private land without paying taxes for two seasons, which are also sold. .

But no one like Chen Mu did this.

It doesn't matter which yamen you are in, those who can do it without taking money from the yamen to their homes are already rare, and there are not many people in the world who take money from home to the yamen like him.

But Chen Mu didn't think so, he regarded it as an investment.

Except for Nine Sides, it is very difficult for most of the guards in the world to get the opportunity to perform meritorious service. Xiangshan Thousand Households is different.In Chen Mu's view, guarding Haojingao and suppressing Fanyi is a meritorious service at his fingertips. Even if Wu Guifang and Yu Dayou had told him about Haojingao's tolerance and put him in this place, he was allowed to make meritorious service.

If you can’t start a full-scale war with the Fanyi, don’t worry about winning or losing. If it’s not the court’s turn, the local officials in Guangdong will never end with him. They value the tax paid by the Fanyi. This is the general direction.

Second, we can't let Fan Yi mess up in Haojing, because he has no ability to mess up, and the court and local officials will still not let him go.

You can't push too hard, and you can't do nothing. The middle speed is very important.

If you want to control the speed, if you want not to fight against the enemy, you must have enough deterrent power, no one can't do it.

The two deputy Qianhu led the order and stepped forward together with Fu Yuan and Guan Yuangu who were at the side. Guan Jiang looked at it and naturally lowered his head to ask Fu Yuan to speak first. Fu Yuan laughed and said, "Qianhu, my subordinates found three A person who understands Fan language, two Ming people are waiting outside Qianhu House, Fan Yi is a Taoist priest of Fan religion, and his humble job let him wait in Haojingao."

"A Taoist priest?"

Do foreigners have Taoists?

Chen Mu turned his head a few times before he realized it, and said, "You still got a missionary, does he still want Mrs. Chen to invite him?"

"Yes, he came here to teach something. He said that he found a master in the sky and taught people how to be servants. I don't understand even the humble ones. Just watch him take water to wash the Japanese pirates all day long in Haojing. It’s very interesting to give people cakes and grape juice to eat and drink after washing their hair.”

Fu Yuan laughed straight, and said: "No need to ask, no need to ask, the imperial court has an order not to allow Fanren to go ashore, so they let him wait in Haojing. If Qianhu lets him go ashore, I will go and bring him here. "


Fu Yuan's description is quite vivid, but he doesn't know how many people will become the lambs of the Lord in the future, and what they will bring to Dongfang.

In Chen Mu's view, the superficial and barbaric values ​​of the Western world are most vividly expressed in missionary and plundering.

Believers are their Lord's Lamb; heathens are their Lord's lost Lambs.

What was plundered was their old continent; what was not plundered was the new continent they discovered.

It's all theirs.

At this time, the missionaries had been trapped in Macau for a long time. It had been more than 20 years since they were first defeated by the Ming Dynasty navy at sea with the Portuguese military invasion, and then gained a corner of Macau by bribing local officials.

"Don't be in a hurry to see the missionary. After waiting for so many years, I won't wait for a while. See you when the guards have all the soldiers."

Inquiring about news is for both parties. Chen Mu is not as unfamiliar with the Western environment as the Ming people. In his memory, the missionaries who came to China for the first time all had the unclean purpose of inquiring about the political, economic and military affairs of the Ming Dynasty.

The people of the Ming Dynasty did not allow these missionaries to achieve results for more than 20 years, and he could not let out the lax virtues of the Southeast Guard in the blink of an eye.

"I asked you to find a Ming person, why did you find two?"

Fu Yuan scratched his head in embarrassment and said: "The humble official found a few people who could speak Chinese and Mandarin, but most of them were Japanese pirates and dared not go ashore. One of these two people was a prostitute in Haojing. The humble official was afraid that thousands of households would not like it. I also brought back the follower of the Fanjiao Taoist Da Ming."

"The missionary's entourage in the Ming Dynasty? Did you let him enter the guard?"

Chen Mu wiped his face with his hand, and he was still careful here, but finally let the person in, waved his hand and said: "Forget it, let them wait first, find a wing room, and watch carefully before letting them go out. What's the matter with Guan Jiang?"

Guan Yuangu, who was beside Jiuhou, showed no impatience on his face, bowed his hands and said, "Qianhu, the short gun has been ready for a long time, and you haven't asked, do you want to take a look?"

"Ha, forget about it!"

Chen Mu swept away the haze, clapped his hands and laughed, "Let's go, try the new gun!"

 Doing good deeds without asking for reward.

  Good morning!
(End of this chapter)

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