Rebirth of the Playboy I

Chapter 66 The Business Elite

Chapter 66 The Business Elite

In this regard, Yan Junli still believes in the elementary school students.

Anyway, it's okay to lose money, the junior student is the major shareholder.

But she won't let Fengxing Leasing lose money, that's the shares she invested most of her life's pocket money in exchange for.

Making a lot of money is her ultimate goal.

"Sorry, our company has not yet set up a canteen."

"Sorry, our company does not have the position you need for the time being."

"Sorry, you can go to other companies to have a look first."

"Sorry, our place is not suitable for your request."

"Excuse me……"

Many applicants who had sent invitations before came to have a look. Yan Junli had just tasted the consequences of her previous arrogance, and her mouth was almost dry.

She didn't even think about it before, so she sent interview invitations to the job seekers who submitted to their company, which made her exhausted.

However, while Yan Junli couldn't bear the feeling of being in control of other people's fate, she was also somewhat inexplicably happy.

When several Zhou Xingyun's preferred candidates saw the low salary, they all shook their heads and left. They didn't care about the equity dividends that came with it.

Yan Junli didn't understand the behavior of the elementary school students. Originally, the salary she set was not very high, but it was not low. At least it was very attractive to those college students who had just graduated.But the elementary school boy directly reduced the basic salary of [-] to [-], changed the monthly performance salary into a year-end share dividend reward, and didn't let her brag about the company's background.

Of course, the younger brother didn't tell her not to introduce the bright future of the company, but the attitude of those applicants made Yan Junli furious.

Is there any mistake? I didn't even ask, just said that the salary was too low and left directly. Sometimes it made them regret it.

If it were herself, looking at the nearly 10% share dividends awarded to employees, Yan Junli felt that she could do without her usual salary.You must know that she, the general manager, only has 3% of the shares now. No, she must be rewarded with share dividends by the juniors.

Anyway, she is also the general manager of the company, isn't she? If it's 10%, then it's not necessary. If it's 8%, no, it should be 6%.

Right, that is it.

In the constant rejection, Fengxing Leasing finally ushered in a new regular employee, an uncle-level employee.

"Mr. Wu, you are welcome to join our company."

Shaking hands with the uncle in front of him who had just resigned as the team captain of a large company in another province, Yan Junli felt that it was a good start.

As for why this uncle resigned from the position with a monthly salary of over [-] yuan and came to their company, which is now little-known but is about to become famous, the reason he answered was full of love: her daughter came to Mingzhu Mansion to study in university, in order to take care of her nearby.

Based on this alone, Yan Junli felt that her company needed such employees.

She wants to build her company into a big family full of love and friendship.

"Thank you, Mr. Yan."

Originally, Wu Chen just wanted to find a random company close to the university town, but he happened to see on the Internet that Fengxing Leasing in this university town was completely in line with his old business, so he didn't send it to other companies at all.

As for the salary, Wu Chen didn't really care much, as long as he could take care of his school-going daughter nearby.

Daughter is the pride of his life.

Not long after, after Uncle Wu, Yan Junli recruited a financial officer, a cute girl with short hair who graduated this year and just left the factory at home.

In the words of Sister Xinhuai, the finance department must recruit new people, so that her boss will not be fooled.

Afterwards, General Manager Yan selected five tall and burly young guys one after another, focusing on honesty, supplemented by honesty, and the most important thing is that they have no objection to salary. After all, their job is only to dispatch bicycles.

Originally, these transfer personnel could be recruited from various colleges and universities, but considering that after the scale of Fengxing Leasing expanded, there would definitely be a need for temporary supplementary personnel, so five staff members were recruited in advance.

After they are familiar with it, they can also be changed to supervisors. They are all undergraduate graduates, capable of martial arts and literature.

Most importantly, Yan Junli does not allow lazy guys to mix in her company.

"It's almost the next one."

Having almost completed the pre-set goal, Yan Junli stretched contentedly.

Looking around at the still busy recruitment scene, Yan Junli took out her mobile phone to check the time, and found that there was still time for the elementary school student to invite a big meal.

It's just perfect.


Looking at the remaining resumes, Zhou Xingyun stayed on one resume for several seconds and shook his head slightly.

"Hello, is this the recruitment site for Fengxing Leasing?"

Just as the three of Zhou Xingyun packed up their things and even put away the company signboard, a mature and intellectual voice came over.

"Yes, may I ask who you are?"

Looking up at the elegant and glamorous white-collar beauty in front of her, Yan Junli nodded with some doubts.

It seems that this big beauty has a bit of aura, she doesn't remember sending invitations to such a person.

"My name is Yao Rao, and I'm here to apply for a financial position."

Smiling and handing over her resume, Yao Rao looked at the three boys and girls in front of her without any trace, and quickly decided on the priority based on years of experience.

"Oh, sit down, please."

After receiving the resume, Yan Junli wanted to tell the other party that the financial staff had been recruited, but changed her mind after glancing at the other party's resume.

Graduated from Taixue University, traveled to the United States, Russia, Germany, France, and Britain. He has doctoral degrees from five famous foreign universities and can speak nine foreign languages. He used to be the financial director and vice president of the European division of Holley Group.

Proper business elite.

But, is this resume true or false?
"Primary boy, is her resume real?"

After carefully looking at the other party's resume again, Yan Junli ignored the image of the general manager and asked in the ear of the elementary school student.

The other party's resume is really shocking. She is so beautiful and has such a brilliant resume. She is definitely a hot spot for all major companies. How could she apply for a job at their company.

At the beginning, Yan Junli just casually sent an application invitation to this elite who ranked among the top of millions of applicants in the resume system of the talent market. She never thought that someone from the other party would actually come to their small company to apply for a job.

Yes, although Yan Junli thinks that her company has a bright future and a bright future, it is undoubtedly small compared to a super company like Huali Group that ranks among the top [-] companies in the world.

Yan Junli still has this self-knowledge.

"Neng, see for yourself."

Handing over the tablet computer from the talent market, Zhou Xingyun carefully sized up this beauty elite.

For job seekers who come to apply for a job, the talent market will screen to ensure that the resume of the applicant is authentic. Otherwise, it will not do anything after collecting so much money from the recruiting company, so there will be no popularity.And the tablet computer in Zhou Xingyun's hand was also a gift from the talent market. You can check all the public information of the applicant at any time, and it will be taken back when you leave.

General manager Yan is concerned about the authenticity of the other party's resume, while Zhou Xingyun is completely concerned about the other party's appearance and figure.

(End of this chapter)

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