The magician who goes astray

Chapter 576 The Trial of the Seventh Star?

Chapter 576 The Trial of the Seventh Orb?

Ye Shi really felt that he couldn't swallow a mouthful of depressed anger, which made his chest extremely tight and uncomfortable.

Not to mention that I left my hometown, I came to your system after overcoming many dangerous obstacles and obstacles. I came only because of an email that you had something to do, and because of Sophia and Hanxue's new substance.

Now the demon god Du Nima has hit the door of the house, and the king-level demons are dead. The opponent's power has reached a terrifying level. The next step is very likely to be a catastrophe and extinction. You are still hiding What is it for?

Quit it, love whoever you want, anyway, the stone of origin is borrowed from the four major clans, it should be returned, it is not good to keep taking other people's things.

Fuka has been following behind silently, he thinks that Night is deliberately pretending, so at this time, what Night wants is cooperation in action, not persuasion with words.

"The first one, um... the principle of proximity, human race, just return it to Sophia."

Ye Guang rubbed his chin and muttered. He first put the other four into the backpack and held the Origin Stone Violet tightly in his hand, and then directly activated the teleportation effect of the ring.

Sophia is currently in the old city. When Roland is working as a guard, she arranges the messy old city in an orderly manner, and at the same time calms the hearts of the residents.

Old City and Tiancheng are currently the two relatively safe cities in Kyushu Zhonghuang. Other secondary cities, including Mucheng, have their own damage, and they will not be too safe in the future.

The night teleported away neatly, but Fuka was a little confused when he saw it. Was he playing for real?Or do you believe you can read hidden meanings?
Shi Ming and Lingzhen of the source just left in the ground like this?Especially the spirit, do you really want it?

How do you make those demigods who have already belched, such as Neptune and Cain, think?Are you really not going to be so angry that you can cheat the corpse and strangle you to death?
Fuka felt that he was either following or not following, and he was running around in a hurry. Finally, he rolled his eyes and hid Ming and Ling in a small different-dimensional space he made with him, and hurriedly chased after him.

Although it doesn't matter if there is astrology, even if it is really lost, a delay of a few seconds may determine the success or failure of the battle, and there is no room for loss. chased the sky, Sofitel said he didn't come, so the result is that Ye Guang really succeeded in forcing the palace?
The light ended, and the teleportation effect of the ring did not send him to Sophia, but teleported him to a very strange place.

He himself was standing at the bottom of a trapezoidal altar, and in front of him was a white and wide marble staircase. After a rough scan, it looked like there were more than 20 steps.

The surface of the stairs is exquisite and detailed, and the treads used to step on the feet are carved with extremely complicated and beautiful patterns, and each step is different, ranging from portraits of people to landscapes.

At least that's the case for the first few steps you can see.

In reality, such marble must be expensive to manufacture, but for the system, this is something that can be done with just a few fingers, which is not surprising.

What puzzled him was that there was a small wooden cabin at the end of the expensive staircase. The wooden cabin looked a bit dilapidated and old, with faint traces of moss and decay on the wooden walls, which seemed incompatible with the exquisite steps.

Except for the stairs and the wooden house, there is a thick white mist ten meters away. In the misty mist, you can even see a huge and distorted behemoth shaking, accompanied by the roar of beasts that are sometimes distant and near.

Ye Guang smiled indifferently at this, and walked directly to the wooden house, it was obvious that the wooden house was the end point.

But a strange situation happened, he seemed to be unable to get close to the wooden house no matter what method he used, and he was always repeating the process of going up the stairs.

The stairs he stepped on one moment ago, the next moment he turned into the appearance of not stepping on it.

Even using teleportation, wings of light elements, and teleportation all lost their effects.

What's even more strange is that the mist actually started to get closer, slowly surrounding the stairs and the wooden house from all directions, and the roars of the beasts that were distant and near were also gradually approaching, terribly miserable.

"Could this be the test for obtaining the seventh Origin Stone?" Ye Guang frowned, his own position was currently on the fifth step after hard work, and the first step had been eroded by thick fog.

Yes, the exquisite marble staircase was corroded and pitted, and finally collapsed into a pile of slag, and then turned into a puddle of powder after a mysterious reaction.

"Oh, is there a time limit?"

The taunt was taunting, he could only run up desperately, it was an endless staircase.

He took a big step across the third staircase, which was the eighth staircase, but when he stepped up the other foot, he suddenly realized that he hadn't moved at all, and was still on the fifth staircase!

"The trick of space skills? It's not possible."

Ye Guang muttered silently, and suddenly remembered a middle-aged white-haired man who could never step up the stairs, and had the same sense of déjà vu.

Afterwards, despite all his means, he barely stopped on the third-to-last staircase, but the corrosive fog below was about to touch his feet.

"Grab my hand!"

The sudden shout from above shocked him, because at some point, Nina actually stood at the finish line and reached out to him.

Now that he didn't care about asking Nina what was going on, he quickly took advantage of the situation and grabbed her, successfully climbed to the last step, and then the rising fog stopped.

"Thanks... Nina!"

Just as Ye Guang wanted to thank him, he saw a scene that made him tear up. Nina didn't know what was going on, and walked straight down as if in a daze. There was a corrosive fog underneath!
Several skeleton arms protruded from the mist and stretched out towards Nina, as if they wanted to drag her into the thick mist.


He didn't have time to see what was in the wooden house, and he didn't have time to think about why the other party was here, so he grabbed Nina's arm and wanted to drag her up.

The mist that had stopped flowing began to move again, and Nina's body seemed to be extremely heavy for some reason, as if she was a stone sculpture!
"excuse me."

Both arms passed through Nina's armpits, Ye Guang opened her eyes and dragged her back desperately, the mist was already about to touch her feet.

With a snap of fingers, all the fog stopped, and with an unwilling roar, he slowly retreated to the bottom step. The originally corroded steps have recovered, and they are still exquisite.

"Illusion? No, not necessarily."

"Nina, why are you here? Aren't you from Sky City?"

Panting heavily, he was still in shock, lowered his head and tried to ask the orc mother who was in a dazed state, but the latter still didn't respond at all, and was still in the dazed state.

The corrosive fog had receded, Ye Guang frowned and looked around, then tried to kick towards the wooden wall.

He had just seen the interior through the gaps in the wooden boards, and it was just an empty room!

The corrosive mist is mixed with giant beasts, and the strange and exquisite staircase is actually carrying a rotten wooden house!

Natural light!

A magic cannon instantly destroyed the decayed wooden house that was already crumbling. The planks were scattered and stacked together, and some small bugs could be seen fleeing in a hurry.

Well, not only moss, but also moth-eaten.

(End of this chapter)

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