The magician who goes astray

Chapter 96 The Cruel Baron

Chapter 96 The Cruel Baron

The gate of the castle is extremely extraordinary, made of mahogany, engraved with mysterious patterns, surrounded by a circle of agate crystals and other decorations.

Such a door is not afraid of being stolen by someone in the middle of the night.

Ye Shi learned from the video circulating on the Internet that the gate of this castle cannot be pushed open, and it is also a magic-free door, which ignores magic damage.

This door can only be opened if the physical damage reaches a certain level, but unfortunately, these two doors are not made of special materials and cannot be used to bring out a copy.

Otherwise "running out of the door" would become a truly literal idiom.

Ye Shi is a dignified magician, at least he thinks so, the mage's basic attack damage is too low, it may take a lot of effort to open this door, which is a waste of time.

So he took out the deadly salted fish just now, and used the attached 80 points of fixed damage to open the door.




While Ye Guang chanted, he opened the door with a deadly salted fish, smashed it about a dozen times, and cracks appeared on the door.


The two doors were torn apart, hitting the ground and kicking up a cloud of dust.

The dust dissipated, and the night officially entered the castle.

The first floor of the castle is a very spacious living room. There is a wooden escalator on the far left leading to the second floor. In the living room, there are various tables, chairs and furniture scattered around, and there is a fireplace in the middle.

This is the enjoyment of the rich. The spacious living room on the first floor can be used to hold banquets and entertain guests.

The second floor is where the master and servants live.

Maybe because of the time, all the furniture looks very old, thick dust and cobwebs can be seen everywhere, and even footprints will be left in the dust when you walk a step!

Ye Shi was a little puzzled, since this man was a rich nobleman, why did he build such a big and luxurious house in this countryside.

Even if he couldn't afford to live in the main city because of his low title, at least he could afford to live in the first-level Mucheng and even the villages and towns.

When he was outside just now, he paid attention to it. There are only a few dozen houses in this village, which is considered a small number in the village.

He walked to a cabinet near the fireplace, ignored the bottles and cans on it, and stretched out his hand to open the second drawer on the right. Inside was a cup, a brand new crystal goblet, and this Dirty environment looks out of place.

This is the second clue found by other players.

This kind of goblet is usually used to drink red wine, but he searched the surrounding cabinet drawers and found no red wine bottle or barrel.

So... Nightlight poured a bottle of Poison Potion, a bottle of Bleeding Potion, and a bottle of Pain Potion into it.

Then he held it in his hand and dangled it pretendingly, with an intoxicated expression on his face, so he called it "sober up".

After mixing the three potions, it was obvious that this cup of liquid no longer had the original effect, so it was directly named by the system, and a thoughtful note was added.

Mixed liquid: a special liquid mixed with various medicines, which has a bad smell and a strong color.But I don’t know how it tastes like, drinking it should have a high probability of diarrhea.

Since rich people like to have a private wine cellar or something, some players even cleaned up the entire hall on this floor in order to find the boss!
This clean-up was actually rewarding, and their behavior was rewarded by the system, each with a gold coin for their hard work.

Ye Guang was naturally not interested in earning the salary of this one gold coin. He put the goblet on a dusty table, flicked away two spiders the size of fingernails, and then prepared to go to the second floor.

His idea of ​​clearing the level is not to collect clues, this is too troublesome, at most he can take a look.

The escalator is made of wood and has been in disrepair for a long time. There is a creaking sound when walking up. It is a problem whether a heavier person can go up.

It is also one step at a time, and when you lift your foot, a small piece of dust will be raised.

"This is definitely a hell for clean freaks!" Ye Shi made a pertinent comment.

The layout of the second floor is a long corridor, and there is a row of rooms next to the corridor. This may be the place where the servants live.

But the second floor is not the only one, there are rare monsters in the entire dungeon, a group of zombies with missing arms and legs.

However, unlike ordinary zombies, their bodies are more compact and dry, and they will not leave a pool of muddy liquid when their heads are blown like zombies.

But they are a bit plumper than mummies, because their organs are clearly visible, and the mummies are all dried up.

Gardener Hull LV35:

HP: 3100/3100
MP: 100/100
Damage: 300~330
Monsters with names, average health, and average attacks.

But after being attacked, it will hang a poisoning state of 50 points per second, which lasts for 5 seconds, which is quite annoying.

They are not demons, because this group of zombies seems to have no appetite for Ye Shi, a living person, and they didn't even move.

Maid Drawing LV33:

HP: 2800/2800
MP: 80/80
Damage: 330~350
The maid, Drawing, was dressed in a black and white maid outfit, with a cloth garland on her head, and a rusty tray in her hand.

Compared with Hull, the gardener who was disembowelled, she was in no better condition, and even more miserable.

Almost all the muscles and blood vessels in the neck were broken, leaving only one spine barely keeping the head from falling off.

The maid's outfit was covered in blood, and even a blood hole was pierced directly in the chest, which was extremely miserable.

"The baron is so perverted?"

Nightlight frowned slightly. Although he had seen it many times in the video, this kind of one-on-one observation still made him feel a little disgusted.

He picked up two bright red cherries from the maid's brushed tray, they were as bright red as blood, and seemed to be very fresh, but Nightlight had no intention of eating them.

Blood Cherry: Items made from blood, may taste like cherries.

This is the third possible clue.

In fact, the players have already had a rough guess about the identity of the boss. It is the owner of this castle, the so-called baron.

Every corner and crevice here has been ripped apart by the players, and the identities of the monsters have been listed one by one, from the gardener to the maid, from the coachman to the cook, and finally to the baroness, all of them are there, no one missing.

But there is no sign of the baron.

As the owner of the castle, it was clear that he was a boss, but the players couldn't find him.

There was a slight crack at the foot of the night.

He raised his foot, but found a small piece of muddy object with water marks, which looked like someone's eyeball.

"I said I didn't mean it, do you believe me?"

The night was a little speechless, this eyeball belonged to the servant, and after being trampled by him, it actually triggered hatred.

The helpless night put the deadly salted fish back into the backpack, took out the evil eye magic wand and sighed: "Come on, just let me try the second possibility of customs clearance."

(End of this chapter)

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