Mo Shao's new wife is online

Chapter 634 Her Man Is Very Sensitive

Chapter 634 Her Man Is Very Sensitive

Lu Xian'an sneaked a few glances at Shen Xiucan's handsome side face, wiped away the tears on his face with the back of his hand, took out his phone, "Shall we go and see..."


Bai Mushu returned home and took a shower first.

Today, both physically and mentally, she is tired enough.

She dawdled in the bathroom for almost an hour before she came out.

Mo Qianlie had already changed into home clothes and was sitting on the sofa reading financial magazines.

He looked up at Bai Mushu who came out of the bathroom, was wiping her hair casually with a towel, and frowned, "You came out without drying your hair again."

"Now that the weather is warm, you don't need to blow it. It will dry naturally in a few hours." Bai Mushu didn't care.

"The temperature difference between morning and evening is huge now. It's warm during the day and below ten degrees at night. It's easy for you to catch a cold like this. Also, if you go to bed before your hair is dry, you will easily get a headache." Mo Qianlie taught her with a serious face, "Go and get rid of it." Bring the hair dryer and I'll blow it for you."

"Oh." Bai Mushu didn't resist, obediently went to the bathroom to get the hair dryer, obediently handed it to Mo Qianlie, and obediently sat down next to Mo Qianlie, waiting for him to blow dry her hair.

Mo Qianlie turned on the hair dryer, turned it to the mildest setting, and dried her hair carefully.

Bai Mushu, who didn't have to do anything, couldn't help but yawned big.

Mo Qianlie glanced at her profile, "Are you tired today?"

"It's okay." Bai Mushu answered after yawning.

"You did a good job today." Mo Qianlie said.

Bai Mushu didn't immediately realize what he was talking about, and turned her face suspiciously.

"You helped Lu Xian'an." Mo Qianlie added.

Bai Mushu understood, "I have long wanted to take revenge for An An. It's just that I didn't have a chance to justify it before, and this time is just right."

"Yes." Mo Qianlie replied, "I heard that Xia Yu has learned taekwondo and boxing, and her rank is quite high. You can obey her lessons... not bad."

Bai Mushu's eyes flickered imperceptibly.

Perhaps Mo Qianlie really thought she was good.But what he may be wondering is why she can easily fight back against the helplessness of Xia Yuxiu, who has learned taekwondo and boxing?

Her man is really sharp!

"Xia Yu has learned taekwondo and boxing? I didn't see it at all!" Bai Mushu was amazed, "Xia Yu is so crazy, I can basically imagine how she will deal with me. I just need to make a move before she makes a move. Move faster than her and easily subdue her."

She paused, then continued, "And this time, I was a bit lucky. If Kong Jing and Bai Wanyang had gone to help Xia Yu at that time, I would not have repaired Xia Yu so easily. It's a pity that the three of them did it for themselves. I didn't want to get involved in unnecessary troubles, which is why I succeeded so easily."

Mo Qianlie gave a noncommittal "hmm".

He didn't know how good Xia Yu's taekwondo and boxing skills were, but Bai Mushu's repair of Xia Yu today reminded him of how Bai Mushu crushed Bai Wanyang with an air rifle at the previous sports meeting of the Mo Group, and even hit a The "BITCH" thing...

He vaguely felt that once Bai Mushu made a move, she was absolutely sure of victory.

So whether it's an air rifle, or taekwondo and boxing, she actually knows that she is superior to the opponent in these things?
(End of this chapter)

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