Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 124 Xiaomo, I Miss You

Chapter 124 Xiaomo, I Miss You

Seeing Nie breathing fire, Jun Mowen frowned slightly, and instantly understood what Yun Mo was hiding, and also understood Nie's anger.

That feeling, he is the most real, crazy enough to want to kill the urge.

Jun Mowen glanced at Yun Mo who was hiding behind him, the gloating in his eyes was self-evident.

Seeing Nie Chenyi walking towards him, Taohua's eyes flashed with teasing, he never thought that his opportunity for revenge would come so soon!

When Yunmo was unprepared, there was a flash of teasing in his eyes, and he deliberately dragged Yunmo a step forward, and Yunmo was forced to follow him.

Before Yun Mo recovered from his previous steps, he quickly took a step to the right, fully exposing Yun Mo to Nie Chenyi who had come to them with a wounded face.

Yunmo knew very well that she was being tricked by Jun Mowen.

Feeling the stiff air in the air, she opened her eyes resignedly, knowing that she couldn't avoid it, she raised her head helplessly, glared at Jun Mowen, who was gloating at the side, and then looked at the indifferent and heartbroken man with a guilty conscience. Nie Chenyi.

"Brother Nie!"

Hearing her familiar and cold voice, Nie Chenyi reached out and hugged her into his arms.

"Do you know, I'm worried about you... Xiaomo, I miss you!"

All the previous blame instantly turned into a puddle of tenderness, and hearing his choked up voice, Yunmo's eyes turned red.

She wanted to tell him very much, she also missed him very much, and wanted to see her all the time!

But she can't, she has already promised Ling Junhan, she can't be so flippant.

"I'm sorry, Brother Nie!"

The two embrace each other so affectionately, anyone would leave with interest, but Jun Mowen is a different kind, he looked at the two of them "seriously and carefully" from the side, his peach blossom eyes were full of excitement, such a fairy tale The other side, which has always been only played on TV, did not expect it to be staged in front of him in real life, which made him not curious.

If at this moment, there is a strong love rival or something, it will be even more perfect!
I don't know if I heard Jun Mowen's inner call or Yunmo's bad luck!
Just when the two were embracing each other, Ling Jun appeared not far from them with a cold face.

The deep eyes exuded a dangerous aura, and the cold eyes seemed to be like knives, scratching the face painfully.

Yun Mo saw it first, and quickly left Nie Chenyi's embrace, clenching her nervous hands in bewilderment.

Her sudden change caught Nie Chenyi's attention, and to prevent her from turning around and running away again, he held her nervously fisted hand in his.

Turn around and look at Ling Junhan.

Seeing Ling Junhan's ashen face, Nie Chenyi's tender and delicate eyes instantly turned cold.

"Young Master Ling, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here in the midst of your busy schedule!"

Seeing Ling Junhan, Yunmo had already lost her previous composure. She was very surprised, what was going on, why did she feel like she was being raped even though she hadn't done anything? Nervously, she didn't realize that she was being held by Nie Chenyi at all. hands.

A pair of clear eyes slowly became Ling Junhan before the storm, and the coldness in his deep eyes was something she had never seen before.

At this moment, Yunmo knew how kind Ling Jun had dealt with her before he shouted.

Hearing Nie Chenyi's mocking voice, Jun Mowen realized the disharmony between Ling Junhan and the two.

His gaze wandered back and forth between the three of them, seeing Yunmo's fear in his eyes, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable.

"Young Master Ling, why are you here!"

(End of this chapter)

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