Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 126 Yun Mo Was Taken Away

Chapter 126 Yun Mo Was Taken Away

"Master Ling, please be more respectful!"

Hearing Ling Junhan's relentless insult, Nie Chenyi finally couldn't bear it and broke out.

"Respect, respect depends on who it is. For those who don't even know what self-esteem is, why waste your expression? Also, Young Master Nie, are you so sure that the woman you protect is so worthy of your protection?"

"You don't need to worry about this!"

"Oh, really, Yunmo, do you remember what you promised me?"

Yunmo, who was named, was shocked, what should come will always come, how could Ling Junhan miss this opportunity to insult her, she walked out from behind Nie Chenyi holding back her sadness!

"I know!"

"is it?"


Yun Mo let go of the hand held by Nie Chenyi, with a desperate expression, and there was no trace of anger in her empty eyes, she was so calm, as if all this was no longer in her eyes.

She turned to Nie Chenyi and said, "I'm just a shameless, self-respecting bitch who climbs into someone else's bed for the sake of being rich on the list!"

After finishing speaking, he numbly walked towards Ling Junhan!
Her words broke the hearts of the three men at the same time.

Although Ling Junhan has been insulting her, but when he heard Yunmo's self-deprecating words, his heart couldn't help but pick up.

Nie Chenyi's face was full of pain, he knew that Yunmo had difficulties, she was not such a person, so he stretched out his hand to hold Yunmo.

"Xiaomo, don't go there, follow me, okay?"

Even Jun Mowen, who had been watching coldly, stayed where he was a little surprised, and couldn't believe Yunmo would say such a thing.

Although he has only met Yunmo twice, he can understand how strong Yunmo's self-esteem is.

Just ask a woman with such strong self-esteem, how desperate is she to say such words!
Yunmo looked at Nie Chenyi's almost pleading eyes, but her heart was already trampled by Ling Junhan so heartlessly.


After finishing speaking, he resolutely walked towards Ling Junhan.

When he came to Ling Junhan, there was a smile on his decisive face, and there was no trace of anger in the smile.

"You're right. I'm a thing with no self-esteem. I've already become numb to the thing of being abandoned. How can a bitch feel ashamed for your insult? No!"

Listening to her self-deprecating words, Ling Junhan became more and more angry in his heart, stretched out his hand and said regardless of Yunmo's wishes, "Since you want to be so mean, I will help you!"

After speaking, under the naked eyes of everyone, he rudely pushed Yunmo into the car, closed the door with a "bang", and drove away.

Although Nie Chenyi knew that Yunmo had difficulties, he was deeply shocked by Yunmo's choice of Ling Junhan.

He didn't understand, he had already made it so clear that he would always be Yunmo's backing, but Yunmo still chose Ling Junhan instead of him, what does that mean?
It means that in Yunmo's heart, he is an outsider after all, trying to get out of Yunmo's heart from beginning to end!
Jun Mowen, who was watching from the side, became anxious.

"Nie Chenyi, Yunmo has been taken away!"

Nie Chenyi smiled bitterly, "I know!"

With a grief-stricken face and a lonely back, he returns alone to the way he came.

From the moment Yun Mo walked towards Ling Junhan, his heart also died!

He didn't understand, apart from love, what else could make Yun Mo go to Ling Junhan so recklessly.

Knowing Yunmo well, he couldn't figure out what would endanger her and what he couldn't help.

Maybe in her heart, he is just her partner when she is lonely!

(End of this chapter)

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