Chapter 133 I Know
He looked at Yunmo who was lying on the bed, Yunmo was still in a coma, her face was as pale as paper, without blood, her long eyelashes formed a reflection on her face, and the thick dark circles under her eyes symbolized that she hadn't rested for a long time evidence of.

I haven't seen her for a few days, but she has lost a lot of weight. Her originally tense face has become extremely haggard, and her small body has become more fragile.

What the hell did he do to him?
Ling Junhan's heart has never been so regretful, remembering the insult to Yunmo's language that day, he clearly knew that Yunmo was a stubborn person, and he still said those hurtful words.

He was also engulfed by jealousy and said some irrational things!
If he had accepted the message that he cared about Yunmo earlier, maybe Yunmo would not have wanted to commit suicide, Yunmo was already slowly accepting him!

He was heartbroken and suffocated, and with his pale face staring at Yun Mo, he was a little reluctant to move away.

Xu Haoming saw Ling Junhan when Ling Junhan walked into the room, he saw undisguised pain on his face, and his deep eyes were no longer as arrogant and confident as before.

He quickly treated Yun Mo's wound before getting up and coming to Ling Junhan's side.

"Young Master Ling!"

"How is she?"

Ling Junhan stared at Yunmo intently, but asked Xu Haoming.

Xu Haoming followed his gaze, looked at Yunmo, and looked at Yunmo in his sleep, his brows were furrowed, obviously he was not sleeping peacefully.

"Except for excessive bleeding, there is no major problem for the time being." Looking back at Ling Junhan, he said with a heavy face, "I have something to talk to Ling Shao!"

Ling Junhan sighed deeply, then turned his gaze away from Yunmo, looked at him and nodded!

Leaving Yunmo's room first, and walking towards the study!

When he came to the study, Ling Junhan didn't sit down, but directly chose to stand by the window, looking at the world outside the window.


Xu Haoming didn't hesitate anymore, and spoke directly.

"Young Master Ling, excuse Xu Haoming's bluntness, according to my long-term observation of Ms. Yun, she suffers from severe depression. This kind of depression cannot be formed in a short period of time. It is a long-term precipitation. The accumulation of points has reached a certain level, this incident is just a trigger point, and it will be out of control after it erupts, if you don't pay attention, I'm afraid you can save her this time, but you won't be able to save her next time!"

Ling Junhan is a smart man, he knows what Xu Haoming means.

"I see!"

Xu Haoming originally wanted to use this to gain some authority for Yunmo, but Ling Junhan seemed to know everything, and he really didn't know how to speak.

He secretly sighed in his heart, he was powerless, what he wanted to say, before he could say it, it was already known by others.

But in Ling Junhan's hands, he is not at a loss, after all, this man is a man standing at the top of the pyramid.

Doesn't his current achievement speak for itself?

Having figured this out, he bid farewell again, "Since Young Master Ling knows, then Xu Haoming will stop rambling, and bid farewell first!"

Ling Junhan didn't make a sound.

Xu Haoming walked out of the study, came to the living room and happened to meet Rong's mother.

Rong's mother looked at him, hurried up to greet him, and asked nervously.

"How about it?"

Xu Haoming smiled bleakly, "I don't even have a chance to speak, I just hope that she will be blessed, we have done our best!"

After hearing his words, Rong's mother was very discouraged, how could she forget that it was Ling Junhan that day, not the husband, if only the husband was there.

(End of this chapter)

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