Chapter 135 Enough
Ling Qiufeng received a call from Rong's mother and knew that things were going to a point he couldn't predict.

He didn't expect Ling Junhan to be so resentful towards him, and he vented all the resentment on Yunmo.

In the past, he didn't want to intervene because he was afraid that the more he defended Yunmo, the more Ling Junhan would resent him, and he would deal with Yunmo even harder.

Unexpectedly, his indulgence became Ling Junhan's reckless behavior. The moment he heard that Yunmo committed suicide, he knew something, and if he didn't say anything, it might be too late!

He sighed heavily, "Qingyue, the Ling family is destined to owe you!"

He picked up the phone and said to his secretary, "Yu Lu, I'm going to visit City A, put everything aside for now!"

Ten years ago, because of Ling Junhan's growing resistance to him, he knew that if he was with him, Ling Junhan's personality would be distorted when he was growing up, so he moved the company to the capital.

Since he left, he has never been back, firstly because of Ling Junhan's disgust, and secondly because he didn't want to add to Ling Junhan's misunderstanding of Yunmo.

When Ling Qiufeng returned to City A, he didn't go back to Ling Yuan, but walked directly towards Ling Junhan's company!

When Ling Junhan heard the news of Ling Qiufeng's return, hatred flashed in his deep eyes.

"where is he?"

The flash of hatred in Ling Junhan's eyes made Linda a little scared. This was the first time she saw Ling Junhan like this.

But her professionalism made her calm down. A good employee has no right to comment on the boss's family affairs.

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, especially for rich people like them!

"He's in the conference room!"

"I know, you go down!"

Ling Junhan waved at Linda, he finally couldn't stand it any longer!

Ling Junhan put his hands in his trouser pockets, and came to the meeting room with a face full of disdain. Seeing Ling Qiufeng sitting on the rostrum with a serious face, there was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

"President Ling is here, it's really an honor for me!"

Listening to his sarcasm, Ling Qiufeng's serious face didn't show any expression, but just looked at him lightly.

"Enough is enough!"

His words made Ling Junhan feel extremely ridiculous, he came to Ling Qiufeng's side, and sat casually on the desk opposite him.

"Have you played enough? It's still early, the good show is still to come, Mr. Ling, do you want to see it again!"

"Ling Junhan, don't go too far. For so many years, I have always turned a blind eye to what you have done. It is for your grandfather's sake. Don't think that I dare not do anything to you. ?”

Ling Junhan seemed to hear a very funny joke.

"For grandpa's sake, if that's the case, then why didn't you do your duty as a husband for grandpa's sake? Do you know that there was a poor woman who didn't wait for her until she died?" Husband, but his husband is guarding another woman, telling her son that she hates her so much, do you know how his son feels!"


Ling Qiufeng didn't expect that after so many years, he still refused to forgive him.

But what that woman did disgusted him, and he couldn't destroy her last impression in Ling Junhan's heart.

Ling Qiufeng took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

"I know you resent me. For so many years, you have been secretly disposing of my women one after another. Do you think I don't know? I keep turning a blind eye. I just hope you can use this to eliminate the pain in your heart. I didn't expect you to intensify your resentment, and you also attacked an innocent little girl, you really let me down!"

(End of this chapter)

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