Chapter 146 Afraid to See You
When Nie Chenyi found Du Xinyan, he saw Du Xinyan sitting on the side of the road in a daze, his face full of guilt.

"Heart smoke!"

Hearing Nie Chenyi's voice, she recovered from Yunmo's fear before, "You're here!"

"Well, are you okay!"

Du Xinyan shook her head, "I'm sorry, I didn't look at Yunmo, she's gone!"

People are like this, if you do a good thing, people will think you deserve it, but when you do a bad thing, it will feel heinous!
She could never forget Yunmo's panicked look just now, seeing her, all the unwillingness in her heart turned into pity.

She vaguely heard Yi mention it before, saying that Yun Mo didn't have any friends, not even a talking partner. When she heard it for the first time, she was a little dismissive. She didn't believe that there were such people in this world.

Hearing Yun Mo's words and her low self-esteem just now, she immediately understood that what Nie Chenyi said was true!
Yun Mo must have been oppressed for a long time and has become more resistant to the outside world!
The more I think about it, the more I blame myself, how could she be so selfish, but for you, a sick person!
Seeing her slumped state, Nie Chenyi sighed, and reached out to help her up, "It's fine, as long as she's well, you don't have to feel guilty, I'll take you back!"

Du Xinyan raised her head and stared at Nie Chenyi.

Nie Chenyi is as gentle as ever, with a handsome face full of sunshine. For everyone, he is an untouchable sunshine, so radiant!
But this kind of sunshine is exactly what Yunmo needs. The darkness in Yunmo's heart needs sunshine to drive away.

This time, I'm afraid she really wants to give up on him!
Thinking of this, Du Xinyan burst into tears non-stop.

Seeing her burst into tears, Nie Chenyi became a little anxious, put her down hastily, squatted down, and looked at him.

"Xinyan, what happened to you? What happened!"

Du Xinyan sobbed for a long time before wiping away her tears. This was the first time that she was so imageless and embarrassed in front of Nie Chenyi.

"Yi, I decided to give up loving you, because I think Yunmo is more suitable for you, and her situation is really bad!"

When Nie Chenyi supported her hand and heard that Yunmo was in a bad situation, he resolutely lowered it, his eyes widened in disbelief.

However, Nie Chenyi quickly came back to his senses, and reached out to help her up again.

"Didn't I tell you that we will always be friends!"


Du Xinyan wiped away the tears on her cheeks, stood up with Nie Chenyi's support, and slowly let go of Nie Chenyi.

"Yi, I don't want to hide it from you. I saw Yunmo just now. She was in a trance, a little confused, and her words were full of inferiority. She was obviously afraid of contacting people. I," Du Xinyan choked up, said, "Because My jealousy, I spoke a little harshly just now, and told her, I told you!"

"But when she heard your name, her expression was unexpectedly sober, but it also made her fall into the brink of death again. She was afraid of seeing you, wanted to escape, and ran outside because she couldn't accept the reality. Almost, almost accident!"


Nie Chenyi looked at Du Xinyan with some unacceptable, Du Xinyan's calmness surprised him and made his heart ache.

The surprise was because of Du Xinyan, and the heartache was because of Yunmo!
He knew why Yunmo avoided him so much, she was afraid of seeing him, it must be that **** expression that hurt her, that's why she became so panicked.

He blamed himself very much, but he couldn't blame Du Xinyan for this matter, she was innocent!

(End of this chapter)

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