Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 151 I'm rude to you

Chapter 151 I'm rude to you
Eating the noodles made by Yunmo, Ling Junhan felt a strange feeling in his heart, it was a feeling he had never had before, he didn't know what it was, he just felt very comfortable!

The two ate happily, but they didn't know that Rong's mother was not far away, watching the two quietly, seeing the two get along so well, she was a little old-fashioned and weeping for a while, the husband finally grew up and knew how to be considerate people!
Sighing, he turned and walked towards his room.

After eating the noodles, Yunmo put the bowl back into the kitchen, she didn't want Rong's mother to be frightened by the scene in the kitchen when she wakes up tomorrow morning.

She has slept for such a long time, and she has just had a full meal, and she can't sleep even if she is asked to go to bed, so it's better to lighten the burden for Mama Rong!
After Ling Junhan finished eating, he went straight back to the study. Just when Yunmo thought he was going to work in the study, he was surprised to see him walking down towards the living room with the computer in his arms. Stop messing around.

Because of the distance, Yunmo doesn't know what he's doing, but she doesn't want to know either. She has always been not interested in Ling Junhan's affairs. She doesn't want to think about anything!

After cleaning up the kitchen, it was already midnight. She walked out of the kitchen with a sore back. She didn't know how long she hadn't worked. It was hard to do this once, but she didn't expect to be so tired.

She walked out of the kitchen, seeing Ling Junhan still playing with his computer with his head down, she walked towards the room without interest.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw a black figure, who walked into her room first, and lay down on the bed without any hesitation, as if he had the final say.

Seeing Ling Junhan who was acting like a rascal, Yunmo was a little annoyed, why is this person like this!

She was hesitant to go into the room, she didn't want to be in the same room with him, it wouldn't be safe for her.

"Your room doesn't seem to be here?"

She twitched for a while before speaking.

"I know, the whole Lingyuan is mine, including your room, in my own house, I can sleep wherever I want, why do you have any objections?"

Ling Junhan took it for granted.

Seeing his shabby appearance, Yunmo really wanted to beat him up, why had she never discovered that Ling Junhan had such a helpless side, he looked like a hooligan on the street, no different.

"You, you are a hooligan!"

Yun Mo didn't know what was going on tonight, she was surprisingly courageous, and in a hurry, she spoke her mind without restraint.

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her hand to cover her mouth in horror, her eyes widened in disbelief, and she looked at Ling Junhan's face that had turned livid because of these words.

Seeing that he couldn't bear it, but he had to bear it.

Yun Mo looked at him with some surprise, her small face was full of novelty, thinking about what was wrong with him, thinking about it, she couldn't help but ask.

"what happened to you?"

Hearing her ignorant words, Ling Junhan almost ran away. He really didn't know whether this little woman tortured him on purpose or was really ignorant. He felt very uncomfortable.

It was the first time that I felt the pain of anger not bursting out, and it was also the first time that I was forced to be so aggrieved.

He instantly understood how aggrieved those who were angry to death were.

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore, and with a big hand, he grabbed Yunmo directly from the door and pressed him firmly on the bed.

"If you're talking, I'm not polite to you!"

In fact, he wanted to kiss her very much, but her illness prevented him from acting rashly, so he had to be patient enough!

(End of this chapter)

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