Chapter 153 Don't Shake

Yunmo didn't know how long she had been crying. She didn't fall asleep until she was tired and sleepy from crying.

Ling Junhan, who had been listening to her crying, was very complicated in his heart, and gradually fell into his own contemplation. He didn't look down at Yunmo who was sleeping soundly until he heard the sound of even breathing around him.

Looking at her swollen eyes, red nose, delicate red lips, and blush cheeks, all of them revealed a seductive taste.

His originally all-powerful stopping power almost collapsed, and he hurriedly looked away, staring at the ceiling silently!
I sighed in my heart, being a good man is really tiring!

He would rather be a bad guy, be a bad guy, at least he won't be tired here!

Yun Mo slept all night, and Ling Junhan was tortured all night, until Yun Mo woke up the next day when she opened her eyes.

Looking at the human flesh pad lying beside her, and seeing Ling Junhan's extremely resentful eyes, Yun Mo suddenly realized that last night, Ling Junhan kept her eyes wide open and stayed with her all night without sleep!
Thinking of this, Yunmo shook his head in disbelief, shaking off the unrealistic and absurd thoughts in his mind.

Ling Junhan seemed to see her thoughts and saw that her clear eyes had returned to their previous clarity, knowing that her depression was coming to an end, and the tenderness on her face returned to the previous expressionless face again.

Reluctantly, he took his hand back from under Yunmo's neck, rubbed it in pain, and stared at her wordlessly!
"Stop shaking!"

After finishing speaking, she got up and left Yunmo's bed carelessly, opened the door unwillingly, and left Yunmo's room.

Yunmo looked at him with a resentful look of a resentful woman, her face was full of grievances, the whole expression appeared on Ling Junhan's face, she couldn't let her imagine how ridiculous it was, but the fact is that it looks a little funny looking at him , but wanted to pretend to have a gloomy face, Yun Mo suddenly couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Ha ha!"

Ling Junhan who walked out of Yunmo's room heard Yunmo's ruthless mocking voice, curled his lips speechlessly, shook his sore arms, and walked towards his room!

One day and one night, in order to treat Yunmo's depression, he tried various methods. He knew that the heart disease needed a heart medicine, and he had no intention of being the biggest heart disease that caused Yunmo's depression, which was Yunmo's heart medicine.

He believes that he is Yunmo's best doctor, plus his previous days in the military academy, using what he has learned, and summing up the experience of these years, he has already become an excellent psychological doctor.

Compared with Jing Yi's guided treatment, his direct treatment effect is much better!

He returned to his room and rushed into the bathroom. He is a clean freak, and not taking a shower for a day is a kind of torture for him!
While Ling Junhan was taking a bath, Yun Mo also changed from her previous depression and walked into the bathroom to wash away her previous depression.

When he came out again, he happened to bump into Ling Junhan who had changed his clothes and came out. Seeing the dark circles under his eyes that were not concealed, a strange feeling flashed in his heart.

But it was soon replaced by Rong Ma's voice.

"Sir, Xiaomo, come down for breakfast!"

Rong Ma changed her usual voice, causing Yun Mo's eyes to widen in disbelief, what's going on?

How could Rong's mother ask the two to have breakfast together? It's not that she doesn't know her tense relationship with Ling Junhan!

Yun Mo glanced at Ling Junhan, who had no change in his face, hurried downstairs, grabbed Rong Ma, and quickly fled the scene under Ling Junhan's nose.

He didn't notice the slightly raised corner of Ling Junhan's mouth!
(End of this chapter)

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