Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 158 I'm Just Chasing Stars

Chapter 158 I'm Just Chasing Stars

What Jun Mowen dislikes most is being stared at by others, not to mention that before that, Leng Lianyu mocked him for playing a monkey show. Originally, he was a little angry, but when he saw Nie Shuiling unscrupulously prying him, he suddenly felt a little unhappy.

However, he didn't make it so obvious. While Nie Shuiling was fascinated, he poked his head towards Nie Shuiling in a mischievous manner, and suddenly braked and stopped listening when he was one centimeter away from Nie Shuiling.

Seeing the face suddenly enlarged in front of her eyes, Nie Shuiling staggered back a step as if startled, but fortunately Yue Yingfeng stood behind her and supported her in time.

"Have you seen enough?"

Jun Mowen retracted his neck as if nothing had happened, and moved his neck a little uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Nie Shuiling knew that he had been rude, but because of Jun Mowen's prank, he had a good impression of him, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said like a nympho.

"Don't ask me, I look better in person than in the photos!"

Seeing this, Yue Yingfeng, who had been standing behind Nie Shuiling, pulled Nie Shuiling a little unwillingly, "Stinky girl, are we here to eat or to see a handsome guy? Besides, what's the matter with an iceberg face and an actor's face?" good-looking!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately attracted the fiery gazes of the three of them. He shrank his neck in fear, walked towards Leng Lianyu with a feeling of displeasure, and sat down next to him, familiar with him. The waiter adds chopsticks.

With Yue Yingfeng like this, Nie Shuiling should stay there as a matter of course, she is not by Yunmo's side, she knows Yunmo's situation, she can't touch her, so as not to arouse Yunmo's fear, she sits carelessly beside Jun Mowen.

Naturally, Yun Mo is fine, and Leng Lianyu is fine, but that doesn't mean Jun Mowen is fine.

"Hey, did I ask you to sit down?"

"Tch, who cares about you!"

Yue Yingfeng said indifferently.

Seeing this, Leng Lianyu knew that Mo Wen didn't like dealing with strangers, which could be regarded as his occupational disease, "He is Yueyingfeng, she is Nie Shuiling, both are my friends!"

Hearing Leng Lianyu's golden mouth, Jun Mowen nodded, but he didn't want to sit with Nie Shuiling, a nympho, so he got up quickly, fled to Yunmo's side as if fleeing for his life, and sat side by side with Yunmo !

"I don't sit with nympho!"

His words immediately aroused Nie Shuiling's displeasure.

"I'm not a nympho, otherwise my brother, Leng Lianyu, and even Yue Yingfeng are more handsome than you. I'm just chasing stars, do you understand?"

Nie Shuiling's words immediately made Yue Yingfeng, who was originally lifting a coffin, change from the gloomyness before, and instantly become active.

"Xiao Ling, you're still knowledgeable, it's just a vase, what's so interesting about it!"

Hearing Yueyingfeng's words, Jun Mowen didn't care, "It's sour if you can't eat grapes, my vase is like some trash!"


"That's enough, whoever is talking, I'll hit whoever!"

Leng Lianyu couldn't listen and said.

Yun Mo, who had been silent at the side, secretly breathed a sigh of relief. These three people were really enemies in the previous life. They came to collect debts in this life. They quarreled like this when they first met. After that...

She couldn't imagine the appearance of the three of them together. In the whole gunpowder field, the people beside them would definitely be blown to pieces. At this moment, only a violent person like Leng Lianyu could solve it.

For a moment, she had to admire Leng Lianyu's foresight. Fortunately, he has successfully created a violent image in front of the three of them, so that he can better control them!

(End of this chapter)

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