Chapter 169 You Are Resigning

As the saying goes, a woman's heart is a needle in the bottom of the sea, but what women want is very simple, as simple as sweet words!

It's a pity that Leng Xiuya didn't understand, but because of extra detours!
Yunmo came to the gate of Qifeng Group again, and it was a world away. It seemed to be a place in her previous life, and it was also the place she least wanted to come, but today she had to come.

After a long time, the matter of Yunmo has long been forgotten. She walked into Qifeng, took out the work card issued earlier and went directly to the advertising department. She had just entered the advertising department, and once again attracted everyone's attention.

She still couldn't get used to it, and felt a little rough.

After waiting for a long time, before hearing the voice of ridicule, the raised heart was able to let go slightly.

She came directly to Zhao Yuwei's office.

When Zhao Yuwei looked at her, he froze for a moment, and then felt a little unnatural.

Yunmo didn't think much about her unnaturalness, she was normal when she looked at her that time.


"I'm here to resign!" Yun Mo said before Zhao Yuwei could speak.

Zhao Yuwei nodded, and took out the document that had been prepared in the drawer and handed it to her, "This is your resignation report, just ask them to sign it!"

Yun Mo took the folder, not knowing what was going on, Zhao Yuwei gave her a strange feeling.

But she really didn't want to stay in Qifeng for one more minute. For her, one more minute was nothing. This place was like a cage, controlling everything she had.

She managed to abandon everything, including her own self-esteem, to escape here. She didn't want to fail!
"Thank you!"

Holding the folder, Yun Mo walked out of Zhao Yuwei's company without looking back.

Seeing Yun Mo coming out of the company, the chattering crowd suddenly became silent.

This is the feeling, here it comes again!

Yunmo escaped from the advertising department as if fleeing for her life. She ran directly to the bathroom, clenched her hands tightly into fists, and her nails dug into her flesh, causing great pain.

But compared to the depression here, she felt that this pain was nothing.

I hid in the bathroom alone for a long time before I dared to open the door.

As soon as she opened it, she saw Jia Qingwen who had been waiting for her outside. Yunmo felt sorry when she saw Jia Qingwen.

"Qingwen, I'm sorry, I..."

Jia Qingwen smiled indifferently, her sincere eyes were full of warmth, and said understandingly.

"I know, you don't need to explain, but you, how are you?"

Facing Jia Qingwen's eyes, Yunmo's clear eyes flashed with pain, she really wanted to say, she is not good, very bad, and now she will no longer be the innocent and ignorant Yunmo before .

Now she is a person who can sell herself for freedom and compromise.

Choked up, with a forced smile, "I'm fine, I just promised to help you, I'm afraid I'll disappoint you!"

Jia Qingwen knew that she must still be feeling guilty for not helping her. Seeing Yunmo like this, she felt a little regretful, she shouldn't have used Yunmo back then!
"It's okay, this matter is not important anymore, it doesn't matter if she is or not, as long as she is happy!"


Yunmo nodded understandingly.

Jia Qingwen looked at the document in her hand, "You are resigning!"

"Yeah, I'm leaving here!"

"Well, congratulations." Thinking of something, he said again, "By the way, Lu Qin, do you still remember that she has resigned!"


Seeing her doubts, Jia Qingwen smiled, "I don't know why, but in such a big company, everyone is under pressure, maybe she can't bear it!"

(End of this chapter)

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