Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 172 Your President Is Going Crazy

Chapter 172 Your President Is Going Crazy
Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and since Yunmo doesn't say it, she won't expose it, some things, just know it yourself!
"Xiaomo, the most difficult thing in this world to give up is love. I hope you are happy, so you must not give up on yourself, you know?"

"Sister Yang..." Yun Mo choked up for a moment, her clear eyes were full of clear and transparent tears, and the pain that had settled for a long time, "Thank you!"

"No, by the way, you have resigned now, what are you going to do?"

Yunmo hastily put away her tears and returned to her previous Nami Wulan, "I came here to work before I graduated, and now that I think about it, I don't even have some basic life experience, so I really want to go out and try it out. What is the world like!"

"Well, that's a good idea. If you encounter difficulties, you can always come to me. I'm an expert in this field!"

The office of the president of Qifeng Group.

Ling Junhan's complexion was ashen, his deep eyes were full of anger, and he wanted to kill someone, but he was still holding back, trying not to erupt by himself.

The reason was Leng Xiuya who was sitting opposite him.

At this moment, Leng Xiuya stared at him with resentment, and passed on Du Xinyan's reasons for blaming him to Ling Junhan.

After that day, Leng Xiuya went to find Du Xinyan, but Du Xinyan disappeared without a trace.

He turned off the phone, and there was no way to find her. He asked the people around her, and everyone avoided him like the plague.

Let him be full of anger and find no one to vent.

He had no choice but to look for Ling Junhan, the culprit, and vomited his bitterness, plus some accusations and curses, calling Ling Junhan not like a human being, nor like a ghost! "

But Ling Junhan never expected that if he failed to help others, he would provoke a commotion, chanting sutras to Leng Xiuya, and he, who was always patient, wanted to lift him up and throw him down the stairs.

He couldn't figure it out, how could a big old man act like a bitter woman, chattering and annoying to death!
Finally, Ling Junhan shouted unbearably, "Enough!" He stretched out his hand to his forehead, and his ashen face showed an expression of unspeakable pain.

Seeing Ling Junhan's unbearable outburst, Leng Xiuya's eyes flickered with teasing, and she finally found someone who shared the joys and sorrows and enjoyed this rare pain.

"Why, you also found out that you were the one to blame!"

Ling Junhan got up angrily, jumped in front of Leng Xiuya, and lifted his collar, "Don't think that I don't know what your plan is, you want to blame me for your incompetence, and want to put the shit on my head Buckle up, I told you Leng Xiuya, you are dreaming, get lost!"

Unreasonably mentioning Leng Xiuya and rudely throwing the door out, the door slammed shut!

Seeing that he was kicked out of the house, Leng Xiuya touched his nose in embarrassment, and met Linda's strange gaze. He pretended to be calm and said, "It's okay, your president is going crazy!"

Hearing this, Linda ignored him and nodded.

After being Ling Junhan's secretary for so long, how could she not know who Ling Junhan was going crazy because of?

It's just that in the face of such a brazen person, she doesn't want to be long-winded, lest she be entangled by him and be messed up endlessly.

Seeing that she was ignored by Linda again, Leng Xiuya curled her lips, she really deserves to be someone who follows Ling Junhan, and her virtues are exactly the same as Ling Junhan's.

However, his purpose of coming here today has been achieved, and he left Qifeng in Ling Junhan's exclusive elevator in a comfortable mood.

After he left, Ling Junhan was very irritable, and left Qifeng early, scolding Leng Xiuya all over his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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