Chapter 194 It's them

Yun Mo woke up when Ling Junhan approached her, and since she got depression, she has been very alert.

As long as there is a slight movement, she will wake up immediately.

When she found out that Ling Junhan had returned, she originally wanted to open her eyes, but when she heard his footsteps deliberately lowered, she was a little moved, so she didn't open her eyes, quietly enjoying Ling Junhan's rare pampering.

He put a gentle kiss on her head, and gently hugged her in his arms, she suddenly felt very happy!
When Ling Junhan hugged her and took a step up the steps, she couldn't help opening her eyes, wanting to see Ling Junhan's serious expression at the moment.

"Stop pretending!"

As soon as she opened her eyes, she heard Ling Junhan's magnetic voice.

She stuck out her tongue mischievously, "So you found out a long time ago!"

"With your three-legged cat deception!" Ling Junhan still held her tightly in his arms, without any desire to let her go.

Yunmo also noticed this, and deliberately provoked, "Then let me down!"

"Don't even think about it, you are mine!" The arms tightened even more.

Seeing that he was in such a good mood, Yunmo hesitated for a moment, then raised his eyebrows lightly, "I want to ask you something, but you can't be angry!"

Yunmo's prudence, Ling Junhan's deep eyes flashing light, her every move is under his control, how can he not know what Yunmo wants to ask him.

However, he was very satisfied with Yunmo's not lying.

"Is it Ii?"

"En!" Yun Mo nodded involuntarily, and then recovered, "How do you know?"

Ling Junhan couldn't help sighing at Yunmo's confused look, "Oh, I really don't know what you've been packing into your little head all day!"

"You haven't answered my question yet, what did you do to Jing Yi?"

Now that the topic has been opened, she has no intention of letting go of Ling Junhan.

"I gave her to Artest, so I don't know!"

It was rare for Ling Junhan to speak the truth.

"A-Tai?" Yunmo suddenly thought of the cold-faced man who often appeared beside Ling Junhan, "It's the one who saved me that time!"


Ling Junhan nodded.

Thinking of Artest, Yunmo couldn't help thinking of her father, and didn't know how he was doing now. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but bury her head in Ling Junhan's arms, not wanting Ling Junhan to see what she was thinking at the moment!

She hid her face in Ling Junhan's arms, and looked into Ling Junhan's arms like a baby.

After a while, he spoke again.

"Can you let her go!"

Hearing the muffled voice coming from his arms, Ling Junhan pushed open the door, put Yunmo on the bed, forced her face to face him, and stared seriously into those clear eyes.

"Okay, it's late now, I'll call Artest tomorrow to ask Artest to let her go."

"Thank you," Yun Mo looked at Junrong, who was close at hand, and couldn't help reaching out to caress his face, concentrating seriously, "What I want to say is not only about Jingyi, but also about what you did to me. , Although the means are extreme, but I am very touched, Ling Junhan, can you stop hurting them for me?"

Yunmo's words made Ling Junhan stunned for a moment, his face sank, and he stretched out his hand to pinch Yunmo's jaw, forcing her to look directly at him.

"Who are you referring to?"

Seeing this, Yunmo forcibly propped up her body, placed a light kiss on his lips, and said with sly eyes, "It's them!"

Ling Junhan couldn't bear the temptation, growled, and kissed Yunmo!
(End of this chapter)

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