Chapter 200 I Believe Him
Pei Meng pulled up the cable in satisfaction. She knew that her grandfather would take care of the rest for her. The only thing she had to do was to make Yun Mo disappear completely from Ling Junhan's side.

For a self-admired person like Yun Mo, there must be many enemies!
When Yun Mo and Ling Junhan returned to Ling Yuan, Yun Mo received a call from Du Xinyan.


"How about it?"

"Jing Yi was in a car accident!"

A few short words caused Yunmo to fall to the bottom of the valley, the phone slipped from the palm of his hand, and a loud "boom" brought Yunmo's mind back to reality.


"Today at noon, I heard that when she was crossing the road, a big truck was coming towards her. She couldn't dodge it in time, so...!" Du Xinyan's voice was a little choked up, all of this was her fault, if it wasn't for her momentary jealousy If the heart is troubled, Jing Yi may not die!

"Is it related to Ling Junhan?"

With a trembling voice, Yunmo asked the question that she was most afraid of facing in her heart.

She finally started to accept Ling Junhan, she didn't want her dream to be shattered again!
"I don't know, I've checked the surveillance, and I didn't see anyone suspicious!"

After hearing Du Xinyan's exclusion, Yunmo was inexplicably relieved, it would have been better if it hadn't been him!

"Where are you, I'll come over!"

Yun Mo asked for Du Xinyan's address, hung up the phone, and met Ling Junhan's inquiring gaze.

Yun Mo hesitated for a moment, sat down beside him, and looked at him seriously, "Han, do you know that Jing Yi is dead?"

Ling Junhan nodded!


"Is it you?" Yun Mo's voice couldn't help being nervous, her clear eyes looked at Ling Junhan without blinking, not wanting to miss a trace of his expression.

Jing Yi ran to the road by herself, it has nothing to do with him, so it has nothing to do with him at all!


He said it with certainty, and Yunmo was greatly relieved when he heard it.

"She's in Du Xinyan's hospital now, I want to visit her, is that okay?"

"Let Uncle Li drive you there," Ling Junhan said without interest.

He has never been interested in dead people, let alone a woman who wants to frame him, he is even less interested!

With Ling Junhan's permission, Yun Mo planted a very loud kiss on Ling Junhan's face, and then got up and left Lingyuan!

Yun Mo followed Du Xinyan's address and rushed to the mortuary of the hospital. At this moment, Jing Yi had been cleaned up, revealing her white and bloodless face.

Stiff and cold body, lying lifeless in the morgue.

"You came!"

"Well," Yun Mo nodded lightly, "I asked Ling Junhan just now, and he said that this matter has nothing to do with him!"

Du Xinyan was a little surprised that Ling Junhan would open his mouth to explain to Yunmo, it seems that the relationship between the two is self-evident, "You believe it!"

Her words made Yun Mo pause, and looked at Du Xinyan with puzzled eyes, "I believe him, although Ling Junhan is hateful, cruel and cruel, but he doesn't bother to lie, and there is no need to lie!"

Du Xinyan nodded, agreeing with Yunmo's words, but there are many people who died in Ling Junhan's hands. For a person like Jing Yi who has no background, he doesn't need to lie. Thinking about it, this matter has nothing to do with him!
"Although I also believe that Jing Yi was not killed by Ling Junhan, this matter is definitely related to Ling Junhan, Yunmo, I don't know how you feel about Ling Junhan, but I advise you, Ling Junhan is too dangerous a man , not for you!"

"I know!"

(End of this chapter)

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