Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 214 I will go with you

Chapter 214 I will go with you
Nie Shuiling couldn't accept it and fell down on the spot, her eyes were so empty that she couldn't help herself, her delicate face became extremely pale and bloodless!
This morning, before leaving the house, her mother told her that there are many liars out there, you are too naive, be careful!
"Don't you believe it? Don't you believe what's in the document? Okay, Nie Shuiling, let me tell you, if you don't believe it, you can go and have a test." After finishing speaking, he pulled out his hair and put it in front of Nie Shuiling. Will come to you again!"

Jia Qingwen was a little disappointed, and strode away with her bag, leaving Nie Shuiling alone, facing the documents on the table and pulling her hair.

Her empty eyes turned to Jia Qingwen's hair, and she was a little startled, so much!

Blood streaks could be seen vaguely on it, Nie Shuiling wanted to leave these and run away, but she didn't, so she calmed down and carefully put her hair into the file bag.

She doesn't believe what other people say or see, she only believes in her mother!

She wants her mother to tell her herself!
Holding the file bag, he walked out of Duoya blankly, found his car, and quickly disappeared at the door of Duoya!

Nie Shuiling rushed back to the place where her mother and the others lived, but she didn't see anyone, so she took out her phone and dialed Yuan Lilan.

The phone rang a few times, and her mother's unique lion roar came from inside, "Damn girl, I finally think of your mother!"

Hearing the familiar and kind voice, Nie Shuiling couldn't help but burst into tears. If she was really told that the mother she loved was not her mother, what would she do?
Afraid that her mother would recognize her voice, she hurriedly hung up the phone at a loss. In fact, she didn't need to check the answer, she already understood it very well!

Jia Qingwen's face and eyes are similar to hers, no matter how much she refuses to admit it, she can't be biased.

Since she was a child, she was not like her brother, nor her father, nor her mother!

Yuan Lilan, who was chatting with Nie Chenyi and Yunmo, was quickly hung up by Nie Shuiling, staring at the phone for a long time, a bad premonition spread from the bottom of her heart.

Suddenly, the whole person became a little impatient!

She looked at Nie Chenyi, "Nie Chenyi, I feel that something is wrong with your sister, I am very worried about her!"

This is the first time that Yuan Lilan didn't call Nie Chenyi the brat, but called him by his first and last name.

Nie Chenyi was also frightened when he saw such an old mother.

"Mom, don't worry, I'll find her now!"

"I'll go with you!"

Two voices in unison sounded in Nie Chenyi's ears at the same time.

Yun Mo and Yuan Lilan got up in a tacit understanding and followed behind Nie Chenyi, with worried expressions on their faces!

Nie Chenyi glanced at the two of them, then nodded slightly, "Okay, then let's go!"

Because Yunmo left in a hurry, she rushed out with Nie Chenyi without taking her bag, so that she ignored the mobile phone in the bag.

The three of them drove the car and searched all the places that Nie Shuiling might go!
After Nie Shuiling called Yuan Lilan, the mobile phone could no longer get through!
Looking at Yuan Lilan's tired face, Nie Chenyi was very worried, "Mom, why don't I send you back first, and then I'll continue to look for Xiaoling. When I find it, I'll call and tell you!"

Seeing Yuan Lilan's hesitation, Yun Mo said, "Auntie, there's nothing you can do if you're in such a hurry, don't fail to find Shui Ling and tire you out, then Shui Ling will feel guilty!"

Although Yuan Lilan was a little reluctant, what Yun Mo said was right, she didn't want her baby to worry about herself!
(End of this chapter)

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