Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 217 Beware of the Woman Who Scares Me

Chapter 217 Beware of the Woman Who Scares Me
When Nie Zhenhua returned to Sun Moon Residence, he looked flustered and rushed into Yuan Lilan's room before he even had time to change his shoes.

"Xiao Lan!"

Nie Chenyi sighed, "Dad, mom is fine now!"

Only then did Nie Zhenhua get up and walk out of the room. When he looked at Yunmo, he was stunned!
Yunmo hurriedly called out politely, "Hello, Uncle Nie, my name is Yunmo!"

Facing Shang Yunmo's crystal-clear eyes, Nie Zhenhua's eyes flashed with astonishment, and then became calm!
"Xiao Yi, what is going on, Xiao Ling is fine, why did he suddenly know!"

Nie Chenyi was at a loss, and shook his head at Nie Zhenhua!

Looking at the two of them, Yunmo did not tell what she knew in the end. She knew that Jia Qingwen had finally found Nie Shuiling, and she would not bear to lose it. If she confessed Jia Qingwen, then Nie Zhenhua would definitely do everything possible to get Nie Shuiling Shui Ling brought back to Nie's house!

"Dad, now is not the time to find out who lost who was at fault. The main thing is to find Xiao Ling and Mom. I'm worried that she won't be able to take the blow when she wakes up!"

"I know!"

Just as Nie Chenyi was about to say something, his phone rang in time.

Taking out the phone, seeing Yueyingfeng's call, she picked up the phone and walked aside before answering it.

"Xiao Feng!"

"Brother, Xiao Ling is here with me, crying for a drink, talking nonsense!"

"Well, she wants to drink, you give her a drink, and let her stay with you for a while, you watch her carefully, you know?"

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Nie Chenyi turned around and looked at the tired Yunmo, he couldn't bear it, he didn't expect her to be involved in his own family affairs.

"Xiaomo, let me send you back to rest first!"

"No, I'm fine, let's talk about it after my aunt wakes up!"

Now that Auntie Nie is so emotional, and Brother Nie is a doctor, it is natural that he cannot do without him here.

At this time, how could she delay Nie Chenyi for her own affairs, he is already annoying enough!

"Well, if you're tired, just tell me!"

Nie Chenyi was so grateful that he looked at her.

Yun Mo accompanied Nie Chenyi to guard Yuan Lilan, but she didn't know how anxious Ling Junhan was in Ling Yuan!
Since he came home during the day, he has been sitting in Lingyuan waiting for Yunmo to come back.

From morning to night, no one answered the phone, until finally it was turned off directly!
His heart turned from disappointment to anger, he didn't dare to think, what are Yun Mo and Nie Chenyi doing right now?
Rong's mother watched Ling Junhan's face sullen since he returned to Lingyuan, and wanted to tell him about Yunmo's going out several times, but every time his face darkened, he backed off!
"Sir, Xiaomo, she..."

"Don't mention Yunmo to me!"

Mama Rong was interrupted before she could finish her sentence. Ling Junhan rushed back to the room angrily, changed his clothes, took the car keys, and disappeared into the night with flying flying!
He came to Meizhu, and came to the box he often came to, and happened to meet Leng Xiuya with Du Xinyan, and by the way, Jun Mowen who was sitting coldly with a blank face!
Seeing Ling Junhan walk in with a sullen face, his face looked like someone owed him tens of millions and didn't pay him back.

Leng Xiuya curled her lips, "Jun Han, what are you doing, be careful to scare my woman!"

Seeing this, Du Xinyan awkwardly pinched him on the waist!
Jun Mowen saw that Ling Junhan was even more stinky than his face, instantly changed his previous depression, his heart became better for no reason, and seeing him look like he had eaten a stool, the stinky girl must have vented his anger on him!
(End of this chapter)

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