Chapter 219 She Is Lonely

Seeing this, Nie Chenyi was thinking about Yunmo wholeheartedly, knowing that if he didn't leave, Yunmo would definitely refuse to leave.

"Okay, call me if you need anything!" Holding Yunmo's hand, "Xiaomo, let's go!"


Yunmo looked at Nie Zhenhua hesitantly!
Nie Chenyi gently rubbed her head, "Xiaomo, it's rare for my dad and mom to be alone, so, you know what!"

"Well, that's fine!"

Following Nie Chenyi's lead, Yun Mo followed Nie Chenyi back to Nie Chenyi's room.

Yunmo looked at Nie Chenyi's room, he was blue and white, completely different from Ling Junhan's black and white style.

The room was arranged and tidied up, and the moment the two of them opened the door, a gust of cold wind came!

Yunmo could feel that Nie Chenyi must have not been back to live in for a long time. In such a big house, there is only Aunt Nie alone on weekdays, how lonely it is!

There was a layer of sadness in the clear eyes, and he sighed secretly!
"what happened?"

"It's nothing, I was just thinking, Auntie Nie must be very lonely on weekdays!"

Her words made Nie Chenyi stagnate. Thinking back for so many years, he has been living in his own house, Xiao Ling also ran to live with him, and his father has been busy with the company. It seems that they have never been with the old man well. mom.

As Yun Mo said, she is lonely!

Seeing that Nie Chenyi hadn't spoken, Yunmo pursed her lips with bitterness, "I really envy you, having such a mother who loves you is just what I'm worried about now, will Auntie know that Shui Ling is not her child, will she?"

"I don't know. For so many years, I never seemed to get to know a mother. I felt that I was very unfilial. After I became an adult, I moved out by myself and was busy with my own affairs for a long time. I never thought about it. Mom, how is she doing, I just think about it, she has no worries about food and clothing!"

"Sometimes, it's not so important to have enough food and clothing!"

Seeing that there was only one bed in the room, Yunmo suddenly became a little overwhelmed!
Nie Junhan felt her unnaturalness, "Don't worry, there are other rooms here!"

Yunmo was inexplicably relieved, for some reason, since she followed Ling Junhan, she could no longer be in the same room with other men.

She doesn't know what's going on with herself?

Even though she knew that Ling Junhan already had other women, she still couldn't let him go and missed him all the time.

She hates her cowardice, it's different from what she imagined!
"Brother Nie, thank you!"

"I said, you don't need to thank me, I will wait for you, well, you go to bed first!"

Nie Chenyi was very afraid of hearing Yunmo's rejection, so he hurriedly pushed Yunmo into the room and quickly closed the door.

Until he couldn't see Yunmo's figure, he sighed loudly towards the door.

How does he hope that he can always be by Yunmo's side, never leaving her?
Yunmo sensed Nie Chenyi's subtle changes, and couldn't recover from looking at the door for a long time!

Nie Chenyi seemed to be like a dream of her previous life, in which he doted on her. At that time, she really wanted to tell Nie Chenyi how much she liked him!

But as time went by, she gradually discovered that her love for Nie Chenyi was not called love, but infatuation and admiration, as well as gratitude!

When she was at the lowest point in her life, he took her out of the darkness and saw the sunshine outside.

It was him who for the first time let her know what the sun smells like, and the first time she knew what it felt like when the sun shines on her body, all of this was brought to her by him!

(End of this chapter)

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