Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 221 There is no need to scrap the chapter

Chapter 221 No need to talk nonsense

Yun Mo covered her mouth unacceptably, fearing that she would call out accidentally, reveal her whereabouts, and be murdered.

She just sat on the ground like this, with a stiff expression, and her clear eyes changed from the clearness before, and became a little unsteady.

In the end, she jumped into the trap Ling Junhan set up for her, without hesitation, in exchange for the result that her body was smashed to pieces.

In the past, she could not care because her mind was on her own, but now, it's too late!

It wasn't until Artai and Ah Wu disappeared in Lingyuan that Yunmo got up from the ground in a daze, stumbled back to the room, picked up her bag, and fled out of Lingyuan in a panic.

She finally understood what Ling Junhan had said to her before.

The more you suffer, the happier I am!
Thinking of Ling Junhan's words before, Yunmo felt cold from the soles of her feet to the top of her head, how could she be so stupid, she knew how much Ling Junhan hated her, and fell into his tender land without hesitation!
What should she do?
Yun Mo lost her usual opinion in an instant and became a little dazed. She ran out of Lingyuan in a daze, she wanted to escape, escape from everything here, escape from Ling Junhan's control!

She fled out of the Zixia Imperial City in a panic, until she was out of the range of the Zixia Imperial City, and then she sat on the ground gasping for breath.

"It's true that there is a way to heaven if you don't go, there is no way to enter hell!"

A sneer came into Yunmo's eardrums!

Yunmo looked at the voice in bewilderment, and saw that Yang Yi, whom she had forgotten for a long time, was attached to the body of a somewhat obese man, with a **** smile, looking at her steadily.

She remembered that man, it was the man she and Yang Xiaodie went to charm and met that time.

His name is Qin Peng, she would know this man even if he turned into ashes, but she didn't expect that he would come together with Yang Yi!
Looking at the two of them, Yun Mo felt a little guilty, knowing that the two of them were not good at quarreling. From what Yang Yi said just now, it was obvious that they were here to find fault!
She suppressed the fear in her heart, looked at Yang Yi quietly with a calm expression and calm eyes!
Seeing that Yun Mo didn't show fear like she imagined, Yang Yi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but she was even more jealous. What she hated was Yun Mo's dead expression, always aloof.

She wants to rip her face off!

But thinking of the deal she made with Pei Meng, she tried to restrain herself.

"Yunmo, why didn't you say a word when you saw your old classmate?"

"I don't know you well, so there's no need to talk nonsense!"

After speaking, Yun Mo turned around and wanted to leave!

But I heard Yang Yi's coquettish voice from behind, "Boss Qin, look at her, she is so proud, she just wants to catch up with her!"

"Don't be afraid, baby, since that's the case, we'll just tie her back!"

As soon as Qin Peng finished speaking, the two men in black who did not know when were lurking behind Yunmo immediately ignored Yunmo's resistance, forcibly set up Yunmo, and walked towards the car!

A look of viciousness flashed across Qin Peng's fat face. His right hand was completely useless, and it was because of touching this woman that Ling Junhan ruined him!
He has always kept this hatred in mind, and has been looking for opportunities to take revenge.

He had been afraid of Ling Junhan's power before, so he didn't dare to act rashly, but now he finally found a backer who was equal to Ling Junhan, so he naturally wanted to avenge this arrow, otherwise how could he be worthy of his crippled hand!

Seeing this, Yang Yi showed the same ferocious smile as Qin Peng's. Yunmo owed her all these!
(End of this chapter)

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