Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 223 I Really Sympathize With You

Chapter 223 I Really Sympathize With You

Ling Junhan finally couldn't bear his temper, he just cut off the phone and put it aside!
Pei Meng, who was originally speaking in high spirits, came to Yunmo's side angrily when he heard the beeping sound coming from the phone.

Looking at being tied to a chair, with a calm face, he doesn't look like a person who was kidnapped at all, but rather a person who is here to enjoy peace and happiness!
"I see that you are quite calm, aren't you afraid that I will kill you!"

Yun Mo raised her eyes to look at her, her eyes were full of pity!
"I'm just waiting for you to kill me!"

"You..." Pei Meng looked at her deflatedly, and suddenly thought that Yun Mo must have thought that he didn't dare to do anything to her, and must be waiting for Ling Junhan to come to rescue her.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help being jealous, she was not as good as Yunmo, she was so unworthy of him to take a look!
Even if she can't get it, he can't get it either!
"Yunmo, I really sympathize with you, you probably don't know about Ling Junhan and me!"

Speaking of Ling Junhan, Yun Mo's eyes dimmed a lot, but it wasn't because of Pei Meng's blow, it was because of being cheated!

She raised the corner of her mouth mockingly, "If you and Ling Junhan are so good, would you still kidnap me to vent your anger, Pei Meng, don't treat everyone as stupid as you, please!"

Hearing Yun Mo's ridicule, Pei Meng was unexpectedly not angry. Before letting her say anything, Yun Mo didn't bother to pay attention to her.

Sure enough, Ling Junhan is Yunmo's Achilles' heel!
"Really, am I stupid, but compared to you, I am much better, at least I won't be like someone who is kept in the dark without knowing it!" Pei Meng looked at Yunmo confidently, "You Maybe you don't know that while Ling Junhan was showing affection to you, he was also with me, and even under the auspices of Mr. Ling, the two of us have already got engaged!"

"The reason why I invited you here today is also Ling Lao's intention. He didn't want to embarrass the Ling family by giving an unknown woman when Ling Junhan was about to get married!"

"During this time, you must have no chance to see Ling Junhan, that's normal, because he returned to the capital and got engaged to me!"

Her words successfully changed Yun Mo's face, so it makes sense, then everything makes sense!
It turned out that in Ling Junhan's heart, all he wanted from the beginning to the end was to punish her and make her feel miserable, so she has always been a woman who can't see Ling Junhan!
Thinking about the huge amount owed by his father before, and thinking about her voluntary request to be his woman, these should all be arranged by him in advance!
Why?What did she do wrong to make him spend so much time dealing with her!

She is just an abandoned woman, why does he still treat her like this!

How could she be sorry for him to make him hate her so much!

Yun Mo's hatred for Ling Junhan slowly rose. In the past, no matter how he treated her, she didn't care, because to her, it was just some humiliation, and she could bear it. But this time, everything is different!

Yun Mo changed from the previous calmness, her voice became a little hoarse due to the shock in her heart, and changed from the previous coldness, "What exactly do you want?"

Seeing the hatred bursting out in Yun Mo's eyes, Pei Meng slowly regained her balance!

"What I want to do, I just follow the old man's wishes and take the opportunity to avenge my personal revenge. You haven't forgotten what you and that girl Nie Shuiling did to me, right? Falling to the bottom, do you know that feeling, today I want to let you taste what it feels like!"

(End of this chapter)

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