Chapter 225 Yun Tianxiang

This sentence is perfect to describe Yunmo at this moment!

Before she was caught by Yang Yi and the others, her heart was already dead. She had been making compromises for her father before, but now all of this was a lie to her. What else could she miss!
Her life was doomed to be a tragedy from the moment she was born!

Her father abandoned her, and she accepted her fate. Everyone can't choose their own birth, and so is she!
This doesn't allow her to refuse to accept her fate, but she can't bear things, her heart can make a choice, but she let her jump into a trap designed by others!

Once again, she proved Yunmo's fate!

Her despair could no longer tolerate her refusal to accept her fate!
Seeing Yun Mo's desperate look, Yang Yi at the side began to feel worried. Although she hated Yun Mo, she just wanted to show her some color!
It's not to the point of life and death, but seeing Pei Meng's crazy appearance, she feels uneasy!

She hastily pushed Qin Peng who was in heat aside.

"President Qin, do you think there is something wrong with Miss Pei!"

Qin Peng, whose whole mind was on Yang Yi at the moment, would not care about other things. What he was thinking about now was how to suppress Yang Yi.

"Never mind her, baby, let's find a place where no one is around, okay!"

Yang Yi was a little worried that she would be implicated, as long as she left here, she didn't care about anything!

When everyone fell into their own fears, they never noticed that an elderly figure was gradually approaching the dilapidated house where Yunmo and the others were!

That person was Yun Tianxiang, who had disappeared for a long time. Ever since Yunmo helped her under the stool that day, he suddenly realized that since his wife was murdered, he has been living in a muddle.

Because he couldn't accept his wife's death, he always chose to escape, using alcohol to numb himself, and gambling to escape reality!

He even did not hesitate to treat his daughter as an enemy and give it to the person who killed her mother!
However, the moment Yunmo fell in front of him with blood and flesh, he suddenly realized that he was wrong!
His daughter is also innocent, what has he done all these years?
He threw his daughter into the wolf pit and ignored him all the time, but his daughter not only didn't hate him, but even ran to save him, and even gave her life for him!
He suddenly became too regretful!
Since that day, these days, he has been shutting himself in that dark house, recalling what he has done all these years!
He finds out that since his wife's death, he has no other life but gambling and drinking!
He didn't even remember what his daughter looked like, let alone how his daughter grew up!

He never participated in the whole process. He thought that his wife was in the spirit of heaven and should hate him. He was powerless to save his wife back then, but he was able to take good care of their daughter, but what did he do!
After he figured it all out, he finally mustered up the courage to walk out of the dark room, facing the glare of the sun, and with all his guilt, he made up for Yunmo!

But unexpectedly ran into Yunmo being held hostage!

Seeing Yun Mo being taken away, his mind went blank. As a father's instinctive reaction, he instinctively drove a car and followed him. Fearing that he would be discovered, he had to get out of the car early and ran to the dilapidated house on foot!
As long as he could save his daughter, even if it cost him his life, he would have no regrets!
(End of this chapter)

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