Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 235 I'm All Right

Chapter 235 I'm All Right

Nie Chenyi carried Yunmo all the way towards her father's grave!

When they arrived, Jun Mowen and Leng Lianyu were unexpectedly present. When they saw Yun Mo, they were slightly surprised!

Jun Mowen couldn't help shouting, "Girl!"

Yunmo looked at the two of them and bowed deeply towards them. She should thank them, if it wasn't for them, his father might still be decapitated.

"thank you all!"

"Girl, why are you being so polite to us!"

Yunmo didn't speak, but turned to look at the graves of her father and mother, she was very grateful, she was very clear about their intentions, their kindness was something she could never repay in Yunmo's lifetime!
She thought that his father should be happy now, because he can be reunited with the one he loves, which is his only dream for 20 years.

Her father's life was very tangled, and his mother's death was always lingering in his heart. He wanted revenge, but the family was too powerful. Maybe the reason why he sent her to Lingjun was to avenge her mother for her to grow up.

However, he later regretted it, fearing that his hatred would ruin her life, so he never came to see her, and kept forcing himself like this!
How much remorse and unwillingness to say "I was wrong" before dying!

Why his good intentions, I only now understand, if she knew earlier, her father and her child would not have died, and she would not let Ling Junhan hurt her heart!
Nie Chenyi and the others were always worried that Yunmo would not be able to bear the pain, so they cried loudly!
But unexpectedly, Yunmo didn't shed a single tear from the beginning to the end. This kind of Yunmo made the three of them even more frightened!
"Xiaomo, just cry if you want to cry, it will make you feel better!"

Nie Chenyi said unbearably.

After hearing his words, Yunmo firmly shook her head, looked at the three of them, "Don't worry, I'm fine!"

Because from this moment, from the moment my father died, I was already dead!

She said this sentence in her heart, but she didn't say it out of her mouth!

Yun Mo knew that Ling Junhan would never let her go easily, and left in a hurry after attending Yun Tianxiang's funeral.

Facts have proved that Yunmo's worries are right.

She walked forward, and Ling Junhan arrived behind him. Looking at all the traces of people worshiping at the tomb, he knew that Yun Mo had been there, and immediately knew who was behind all this!

Nie Chenyi?
It turned out that Nie Chenyi was helping her, Ling Junhan knew Yunmo's whereabouts, but felt heartbroken because of this whereabouts!
Nie Chenyi had always been the estrangement in his heart before, and now he was helping Yunmo escape his sight, Nie Chenyi still occupied an important position in her heart after all!

But Yunmo is his, and he won't let anyone take her away from him!
Turn around and walk in the direction you came from!
Artest, who waited until the foot of the mountain, watched Ling Junhan change from his previous decadence, and became motivated to fight.

"Young Master Ling!"

"Look for Nie Chenyi, even if you turn City A back, you have to find him!"


Artest's figure quickly disappeared before Ling Junhan's eyes. After Yunmo's disappearance, Ling Junhan cared more about Yunmo than anything else!
Yunmo will definitely become Ling Junhan's weakness.

Once a person like Ling Junhan has a weakness, he will no longer be as unscrupulous as before, and will give him potential enemies a chance, so, from now on, he has the responsibility to protect Yunmo, he cannot Let anyone seize this opportunity!
(End of this chapter)

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