Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 239 Don't get excited

Chapter 239 Don't get excited

"I do not want!"

Yunmo excitedly stood up from the sofa.

Up to now, she can no longer control so much, whoever stops her from revenge is her enemy!
"Xiaomo!" Nie Chenyi was taken aback by her impatience, and hurriedly got up to hold her back, "Don't get excited!"

Yunmo avoided his touch, and looked at him with shortness of breath, "Those who stop me now are my enemies..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was knocked unconscious by Leng Lianyu who was standing behind her.

"Now is not the time to talk to her about this, first find a way to send her out!"

Looking at Yun Mo lying in Leng Lianyu's arms, Nie Chenyi nodded, and hugged Yun Mo from Leng Lianyu's arms, "I'll take her out of here first!"

After finishing speaking, she hurriedly walked out the door with Yunmo in her arms.

Jun Mowen looked at the back of Nie Chenyi leaving, suddenly, he felt a certainty in his heart, no matter how they took Yunmo away, Yunmo would come back to seek revenge from Ling Junhan, it was only a matter of time.

The resoluteness he saw in Yunmo's eyes just now will never give up so easily.

Although he didn't know the specific reason, it would definitely not be that simple!
When Ling Junhan found Leng Lianyu and Jun Mowen, they were sitting on chairs drinking tea.

Leng Lianyu looked at the undisguised disappointment in Ling Junhan's eyes, and was very pleased.

"Young Master Ling, if you have time, why don't you come in and have a cup of tea!" Jun Mowen held the teacup, sniffed it on the tip of his nose, and said poetically.

"Where did you hide Yunmo?"

"I don't know!" Leng Lianyu said without emotion.

"That's right, Young Master Ling, you were the one who watched people before, and suddenly came to ask us, are you joking with us!" Jun Mo asked chatteringly.

Ling Junhan saw that Nie Chenyi was missing from the room, and knew that this matter must have something to do with him!

He came to the place where Yunmo stood before, his deep eyes looked out through the glass window full of deep meaning, and the corners of his mouth raised a hint of evil, "Do you think you can hide Yunmo for the rest of your life? It's wishful thinking, just dig it out." The ground is three feet away, and I want to find Yunmo, there is nothing in this world that I, Ling Junhan, can't do!"

After finishing speaking, she left Leng Lianyu's room without looking back!

Leng Lianyu and Jun Mowen were shocked by Ling Junhan's words, and couldn't recover for a long time. It can be said that Ling Junhan is very big, but he does have the ability to be arrogant. I only hope that Nie Chenyi can succeed!

Nie Chenyi brought Yunmo who was in a coma, and didn't go to his home or Sun Moon Residence.

He knew that at this moment Ling Junhan's people must be guarding at his home and the homes of all the friends Yunmo knew, and he was throwing himself into a trap when he went back now, and after Yunmo woke up, he would definitely try his best to escape from him and seek revenge on Ling Junhan.

His first reaction was to take Yunmo and leave City A, even if he just found a small farmer to live in, she would send Yunmo abroad when Ling Junhan was not paying attention.

He drove straight out of the city and drove the car to the fastest speed along the way.

When Ling Junhan went to Leng Lianyu's place and found that he and Yunmo were not there, he would definitely try his best to catch people everywhere.

Ling Junhan never imagined that Nie Chenyi would escape from the city with Yunmo. Firstly, Yunmo had just had a miscarriage and his body couldn't take it anymore. Secondly, according to Yunmo's temperament, he would definitely not be a person who escaped!

But he wanted to do the opposite, so he chose to be under his nose!

(End of this chapter)

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