Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 241 Will Her Life Be So Poor?

Chapter 241 Will Her Life Be So Poor?
Nie Chenyi smiled softly, "Young Master Ling, why are you deceiving yourself? If you were able to move now, you think you would still talk to me here. Besides, if Young Master Ling likes a Nie family, you can take it. I, Nie Chenyi, don't care. !"


Seeing Nie Chenyi's desperate appearance, Ling Junhan knew that Nie Chenyi had given up his mind now and would not tell him where Yunmo was!

The current Yunmo already hated him, if he resolutely moved Nie Chenyi, he and Yunmo would never go back together in this lifetime!
This was the last result he wanted to see!

He closed his eyes in pain, hiding the cruelty in his eyes, "What on earth do you want?"

"Let Xiaomo go!"


Ling Junhan tried his best to hide the anger and impatience in his chest, and he looked at Nie Chenyi resolutely, with the emotions that must be gained and cannot be lost in his eyes, as if it was as important as his life!
"Is it impossible, Ling Junhan, do you know what kind of Xiaomo she was when I found her in the hospital that day? She was embarrassed, resentful, helpless and vicissitudes. She had such contradictory feelings at a young age, don't you? Is it not enough to really hurt her!"

Ling Junhan's eyes widened in disbelief, and he staggered back a step!
"You don't know, do you!" Nie Chenyi's mouth overflowed with sarcasm, "Then you don't know what her life was like before I met Xiaomo!"

"She has been living in a tense and careful life, and she is always disguising all her emotions. The first time I saw her was after being abandoned by you, and she was sitting alone on the side of the road holding her wound helplessly. You can understand that. Is it a kind of lonely helplessness? When you swaggered away with a woman in your arms, did you ever think that an innocent person was injured by you!"

"You don't even know how Yunmo spent her life in your Ling family for more than ten years, what a brilliant and happy age, but Yunmo, she has never had a friend for more than ten years, and she didn't even make friends. I don't know what it feels like!"

"Ling Junhan, you know what it feels like, you know what it feels like to have no friends, she is just an innocent girl, how can she be tortured, you ruined her dreams bit by bit, Even the most ordinary dream is a luxury for her, she has no idea what happiness is?"

"Now you run in front of me, pretending to be affectionate, to show someone, if she is really so important in your heart, would her life be so pitiful!"

All the accusations in Nie Chenyi's mouth were stabbed in the heart with a sharp knife.

Although he already understood how cruel he was to Yunmo, what Yunmo experienced was still very different from what he imagined!

What on earth has he been doing all these years?
As Ling Qiufeng said, driven by his mother's resentment, he also came during this time, while looking for Yunmo, he confirmed Ling Qiufeng's words.

As he said, his mother was the chief culprit who caused the destruction of Yunmo's family. He had respected and loved his mother all his life, but he was her chopsticks hand.

To take revenge on an innocent little girl, and finally realize that he is Yunmo's real enemy!

Is God kidding him?
Nie Chenyi looked at him deeply shocked, "Why, don't you feel ashamed of what you have done? Can you imagine how Yunmo got here all these years!"

(End of this chapter)

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