Chapter 249 Stop Her

When Ah Tai and Ah Wu were happy for Ling Junhan at the door, when they saw the door was opened, they watched Yun Mo hurriedly escape the door with her bag, and escaped from the office at a speed of escape.

But Ling Junhan was nowhere to be seen, only a weak voice came from inside, "Stop her!"

Ah Tai and Ah Wu were taken aback, Ah Tai chased after Yun Mo, Ah Wu hurried into the room, saw Ling Junhan pale, sitting on the sofa profusely sweating, his face full of unspeakable pain.

"Young Master Ling!"

Ling Junhan raised his pale face and looked at A Wu weakly.

"Artest went after him!"

Ling Junhan nodded reluctantly, "We can't let her escape!"

"Okay!" Ah Wu walked towards Ling Junhan, stretched out his hand to support Ling Junhan, "I'll take you to the hospital!"

"No, it's just a small injury!"

Ling Junhan didn't expect that Yunmo would hit him so hard. It seems that his little girl hasn't been idle since she left him five years ago.

Even if she has nothing to do, she has practiced wolf-proof moves. It seems that she is safe!
Thinking of being happy and painful at the same time, I couldn't help thinking to myself, this little woman didn't practice the anti-wolf moves specifically to deal with herself!
It has to be said that Ling Junhan's whimsical ideas coincided with Yunmo's thoughts!
Yunmo escaped from the office, took the elevator to the underground parking garage, and drove away without a life!

Seeing Artest following closely behind, she made a plan, took out her mobile phone, found an acquaintance, and pressed the button.

Not long after, a lazy voice came from inside, "Zero, miss me!"

"I miss you, come and help me, I'm being followed!"

"What," a shocked voice came from the phone, and then there was a ding ding dong dong, the messy sound of things falling on the ground and the sound of getting dressed, "Where are you, I'll come over here!"

"The company is downstairs!"

After finishing speaking, Yunmo floated the car out of the underground garage with a perfect spinning drift, stepped on the accelerator, and galloped towards the road section she was familiar with!

Looking behind her, Artest's driving skills are not inferior to hers. Although he is in a strange place, his driving speed is not inferior to hers.

She took Artest to the most difficult section of the road and circled for a long time, but Artest still followed behind.

For a while, he turned the steering wheel in frustration, "Damn it!"

Who did Ling Junhan find?
He was desperately trying to get rid of Artest's Yunmo, but he didn't know that Ling Junhan was looking through her files in her office at the moment, to find out what she had done in the past five years!
It shows how confident he is in Artest's driving skills!
At the same time, he asked Ah Wu to find Yunmo's home address. Now that he found her, how could he let her escape from under his nose again.

Five years of lovesickness is enough, he doesn't want to endure it for one more second!
He took out his phone, looked at the photoshoot with her just now, raised the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, and reached out to gently caress his troubled face.

In the past, he was dismissive of those couples taking group photos with their mobile phones, but now looking at the group photos of the two is unexpectedly sweet.

It turns out that between lovers, it's not because they can see her every day that they don't miss her. When they can't see her, their minds are filled with her figure all the time. Even looking at her photos makes me feel very happy!

No matter how much Yunmo resisted him and hated him, from the kiss just now, he could still feel that Yunmo had never forgotten him!

Thinking of this, the hands holding Yunmo's face in the photo couldn't help but become more gentle, and he grinned involuntarily, smiling like a fool, cheerfully!

(End of this chapter)

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