Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 251 I'm Miserable

Chapter 251 I'm Miserable
Yunmo sneaked back to her place, hurriedly took out the key from her bag, and opened the door without hesitation.

The moment the door was pushed open, it instantly petrified and stood there sluggishly!

Horror eyes, incredible expression, eyes fixed on her sofa as if seeing a ghost!

Ling Junhan's face was full of smiles, and he looked at Yunmo with a face full of disbelief, "Xiaomo, you are back!"

His familiar tone and kissing tone are like a couple who have been married for many years. The wife returns home from work, and the husband guards the door late at night waiting for his wife's return!
After a while, Yun Mo finally recovered her lost voice, "Why did you appear here!"

"I told the landlord that my runaway daughter-in-law lives here, so she opened the door for me!"

The corner of Yunmo's mouth couldn't help twitching a few times, she could imagine what kind of scene it was, most of her landlord was seduced by Ling Junhan's beauty.

Yunmo stretched out her hand to hold her forehead with a headache, "Can this landlord be unreliable? She will believe what a handsome man says!"

Hearing her self-pity, the ice that had covered Ling Junhan's heart for a long time slowly melted. He came to Yunmo and saw her holding high heels in both hands. He could imagine that she was walking cautiously before, afraid of being shocked. to others.

And this other person, I am afraid that besides himself, he really can't find another person!

Thinking of her cute appearance, Ling Junhan couldn't help grinning for some reason.

Ever since he met Yunmo, he has smiled more today than he has in the past ten years.

"Why, seeing me surprises you so much!"

Seeing Ling Junhan approaching him step by step, Yun Mo could no longer keep calm, before Ling Junhan could catch her, he grabbed a pair of sneakers, opened the door, and ran away again!

She hated herself for only running away!
Ling Junhan was not in a hurry to catch up, he was afraid that Yunmo would get hurt, since he could find her, it was impossible for her to run away a second time!
Yunmo ran out of the room, took her bag, got into a taxi, and rushed to the airport.

Before arriving at the airport, Conscience found out and called Anthony.


"Zero, where did you go, do you know, I'm miserable!"

Listening to Anthony's complaint, Yunmo felt a little guilty, "Anthony, I'm sorry, but I can't help it. You don't know how dangerous I am today, and I have been running for my life. You saw the man chasing me, right? It's brutal!"

It was said that Artest, who had been standing beside Anthony, could no longer maintain a calm face, and his face became more and more ugly. His face was very cold, but it hadn't reached the point of ferocity!
Anthony glanced at Artest who was sitting in his fear. The two of them were the protagonists who caused the serial car accidents. Now they were arrested. In fact, they were just scapegoats, and the real perpetrators were still at large.

Think about it, why is his life so hard!
"It's very cruel, poor Zero, how on earth did you offend them and force them to be like this!" After finishing speaking, Mu Ran thought that he still didn't know the main reason why these people came to Zero. Asked, "Zero, let me tell you how you messed with them!"

Hearing this, Yunmo hesitated for a while, and finally changed the subject hastily, "Anthony, I'm in a hurry now, I'll call you later!"

"Hurry up, where are you going?"

"Go home!"

(End of this chapter)

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