Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 253 I must be embarrassed

Chapter 253 I must be embarrassed

Yun Mo looked at the photo of Yun Tianxiang and her mother Pei Qingyue, unable to recover for a long time.

It wasn't until the exclamation came from behind that she was brought back to reality!


Familiar and affectionate, full of sunshine-like cheerfulness, Yunmo knew who it was without looking!

She was very touched, and she was also very unfilial. She had never seen her parents in the past five years.

Yun Mo turned her head and looked at Nie Chenyi who was standing behind her, who had become more mature and restrained.

"Brother Nie!"

With the familiar murmur, Nie Chenyi could no longer be calm and composed, strode to Yunmo's side, and hugged him tightly.

At this moment, he didn't want to care about anything, and he didn't want to think about anything, all he could think about was Yunmo.

It's been five years!
When he sent her away back then, he thought that he would see her soon, but he was wrong. Letting Yunmo go abroad is like a kite with a broken string. Once gone, there is no trace.

She never even used the money he gave her. He regretted and blamed himself very much. He was completely self-inflicted. If Yunmo stayed in the country, maybe he could still see her every day.

Her smile, her cry, accompany her through the most difficult days!
"I miss you so much, Xiaomo!"

"I miss you as well!"

Yunmo generously embraced him back, she felt Nie Chenyi's fearful heart, the joy of regaining what was lost did not completely conceal the fear in his heart, she said softly in his ear.

It took a long time for Nie Chenyi to let go of Yunmo, his affectionate eyes were full of piercing longing, Yunmo saw it in his eyes and remembered it in his heart.

Over the years, Nie Chenyi has been looking for her everywhere, although he is not as fanciful as Ling Junhan, but his heart is no less than Ling Junhan's!

It's a pity that since that year, her heart has died. She originally thought that she could forget it, but she couldn't do it, she couldn't make her heart feel as still as water.

"Brother Nie, thank you for taking care of them for me during the five years I was away!"

The people she was talking about were of course her parents. If Nie Chenyi hadn't taken care of her, the place would have been overgrown with weeds and become a mess.

Nie Chenyi was reluctant to take his eyes off Yunmo's face. In the past five years, Yunmo lost her immaturity and became charming and mature.

"I said it, don't need to say thank you to me, when you come back, tell me no matter what!"

Reaching out his hand to straighten her messy bun, he said tenderly and dotingly.

"I just came back!" Speaking of this, Yun Mo couldn't help being a little embarrassed. She didn't bring anything, and she looked like a desolate person. She met Nie Chenyi's affectionate eyes and smiled unconsciously, "I was just going to find you , I’m afraid you really want to take me in this time!”

Made a very helpless action!

Seeing the mischievousness in her charm, Nie Chenyi couldn't help grinning, "Xiaomo is still so cute, brother Nie is very happy!"

Thinking of her embarrassing situation, Yunmo couldn't help laughing, "Brother Nie, I'm almost 25 years old, and the word cute doesn't suit me long ago. I should be in a mess right now!"

In the days abroad, although she had a hard life, she is no longer as closed as before, and has many friends!
His personality is not as dull as before, he has become a little active, and occasionally a little naughty!

Her naughty words made Nie Chenyi shake his head, "If you follow Xiaomo's words, Brother Nie is old. You know, I'm 32 now!"

(End of this chapter)

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