Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 266 Can You Pay Attention

Chapter 266 Can You Pay Attention

Jun Mowen knew that Yunmo was at a loss, she listened to it, but she still couldn't accept it!

"Okay, I won't say anymore, girl, I'll take you back, it's not too late!"

Yunmo also knew that she was being rude, and for some reason, when she heard something asking her to give up her hatred, she would become more irritable.

Over the years, she has been deliberately suppressing it, but for some reason, her impatience has often been provoked in recent days.

"I'm sorry, I..."

"I know, you don't need to say sorry to me, let's make an appointment tomorrow!"


Alas, if she follows Jun Mowen for a long time, she will definitely be driven crazy. This jumping thinking is really not like an ordinary person.

"Why, come back for so long, don't you plan to eat us?"


It suddenly dawned on her what she thought it was! "You said it earlier, why did you make it so mysterious!"

"Tch, you don't know that I am the leader of the fashion industry!"

The next day, before dawn, Jun Mowen called with howling ghosts, waking Yunmo up from his sleep.

Yunmo looked at the time and the flashing names on it, feeling like she was about to collapse.

She sighed and answered the phone.

"Boss, what time is it now!"

"Oh, it's dawn, you won't be back for so long, the biological clock hasn't been adjusted yet!"

"Jun Mowen, you are just crazy!"

Yunmo reluctantly broke away from the temptation of the bed, resigned to her fate, changed her clothes and went out.

As soon as she left Weitianju, she saw Jun Mowen ostentatiously, dressed in handsome casual clothes, driving a Lamborghini sports car as flamboyant as him, with his hands in his trouser pockets, posing in a very handsome pose.

I have to say that a person like Jun Mowen is really loved by God, with a handsome appearance, an innate temperament, and a natural clothes hanger, no matter what he wears, he is fashionable!

Seeing Yun Mo dressed in casual clothes, with sleepy eyes, Jun Mo asked angrily, "Hey, this is a date with me after all, can you pay more attention to it!"

Yunmo glanced at him angrily, "I went to bed at 1 o'clock last night, and I was woken up at [-] o'clock this morning. I haven't slept for four hours on average. Can you take it seriously!"

Having said this, Jun Mowen was speechless, and immediately silenced, "Get in the car first, sleep in the car, and I will call you when we arrive!"


Yun Mo really did what she said, from the moment she got in the car, she has been sleeping soundly in the car.

Jun Mowen couldn't help peeping countless times along the way. I have to say, this little girl looks really beautiful when she grows up, and someone else's plastic surgery is even more perfect.

It's a pity that she doesn't want to be an actress with this face!

Thinking about it, she couldn't help but start thinking about Yunmo. If Yunmo enters the show business circle, she will definitely be the darling of the fashion industry. With him as her assistant, it's hard not to be popular.

After thinking about it, he unconsciously grinned and laughed!

In fact, he was in the excitement of seeing Yunmo the whole night last night. At three or four o'clock, it was like calling Yunmo, but he thought that he was a gentleman, so he endured it all the time. Basically, it was like a year. After staying up until five o'clock, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he called him.

Moreover, if he doesn't hurry up, what will happen if Nie Chenyi preempts him?
He didn't forget that there are many people who are staring at Yunmo, and there is Leng Lianyu who has been silent all the time. Although he doesn't say anything, don't think he doesn't know!
(End of this chapter)

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