Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 280 I Just Don't Want You to Regret

Chapter 280 I Just Don't Want You to Regret
Yunmo stood far away, not approaching the operating room.

She didn't know why she appeared here, she hated Ling Junhan so much.

Too many unexplainable things happened this evening, which made her clear head blurred.

Those memories that she deliberately forgot hit her overwhelmingly.

At that time, no matter how Ling Junhan dealt with her, she was like an unbeatable xiaoqiang, the harder she was hit, the stronger her survivability.

What I think about every day is how to get rid of Ling Junhan!
Until she promised Ling Junhan to be his woman, her heart subtly changed under his care, and even she didn't know about those changes!
During these years abroad, if her hatred for Ling Junhan hadn't supported her, she might not have been able to survive long ago!
But now, in order to save her, Ling Junhan's life is hanging by a thread. Her life is in danger, and her heart is shaken again!

She doesn't know what this means?But she knew that her heart did not resist!

Leng Xiuya looked at Yun Mo who was standing in the distance with a sullen face, with the contradiction on her face, she knew that she must be tangled up about Ling Junhan.

Thinking of what Ling Junhan said to him before, he knew that Yunmo was Ling Junhan's fate to Ling Junhan.

Don't think he doesn't care about anything, but regarding Yun Mo, he has always had a grudge in his heart.

"Yunmo, do you still know me!"

Yun Mo raised her head and looked at Leng Xiuya. Although Leng Xiuya had become a bit vicissitudes at this time, his gentle temperament remained unchanged, and those sad eyes became deeper and deeper.

Although she didn't understand why, her memory wasn't that bad.


"What are you struggling with?"

Yun Mo's thoughts were touched by Leng Xiuya's words, and she seemed a little at a loss, "I don't understand, what are you talking about!"

"It's because you don't understand, or because you don't want to understand," Leng Xiuya stood side by side with her, "I don't believe you can't see Jun Han's heart for you, although he is sometimes a jerk, but whatever he thinks or People, he will protect them with his life, I believe I don’t need to say this, he has already proved it to you with his actions.”

"During the five years you left, he looked for you all over the world like crazy, do you know the pain!"

"The suffering we can see is just the tip of his iceberg, but what we can't see is fatal to him. Yunmo, I know you must still hate him, your father, your child, but have you ever thought that it is also him? children, who would not love their own children!"

Leng Xiuya's words caused a crack in Yun Mo's heart. She collapsed against the wall, closed her eyes in pain, opened them after a while, and looked at Leng Xiuya.

"Why are you telling me this!"

With a sad smile, Leng Xiuya looked at Yunmo lightly, and saw her reflection in her clear eyes, the contradictions, entanglements and lingering hatred inside.

"I just don't want you to regret it!"

Just as Yunmo was about to say something, the operating room light, which had been on all the time, went out and the door was opened.

Ling Junhan was lying on the bed with a pale face, eyes closed, and was pushed out.

Several people quickly gathered around, including Leng Xiuya who had been standing side by side with Yunmo, who changed from her previous elegance and became a little impatient.

Yun Mo stood there as if her legs were filled with lead, unable to move!

She didn't know what kind of heart she should use to face Ling Junhan. On the one hand, Ling Junhan was his enemy, and on the other hand, he was his benefactor!
(End of this chapter)

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