Chapter 284
Yunmo devoured the food he had prepared, and Nie Chenyi was genuinely happy. The happiest thing in cooking is watching the person he likes eat happily.

"Eat slowly, no one will grab you!"

Yunmo tried hard to swallow the food in her mouth, and then said, "You don't know, I don't know how hungry I am without seeing the food. During the time when Jun Moyou captured me, I will give you some of the things she gave. I dare not eat, I dare not even drink water!"

It's pretty miserable to say the least!

Hearing her words, Nie Chenyi blamed himself a little. He was all to blame for this incident. If he hadn't asked Jun Mowen to accompany Yun Mo, Yun Mo would not have been missed by Jun Moyou.

"Xiaomo, I'm sorry, it's all my fault!"

Yunmo stopped the chopsticks in his hand and looked at him amusedly, "It doesn't matter about you, even if I don't go out with Mo Wen on this matter, I can't escape their hands. Who can predict the prophet, so we can only see the tricks!"

Seeing that she was still so optimistic, Nie Chenyi slowly let go of his concerns.

On the way, Nie Chenyi received a call and was hesitating.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, go to bed when you're full, I can't accompany you!"

"You, well, just sleep at home obediently and don't go anywhere. I'll come back later and bring you delicious food!"

"it is good!"

Yunmo sent Nie Chenyi away, no longer hungry, stretched tiredly, feeling a little sleepy, yawned and walked towards the room.

Ling Junhan woke up again, feeling a tingling pain in his neck, secretly continued the account of Dongfang Yuan who attacked him secretly.

He reached out to rub his neck, but found that his arm was being pressed down. He looked down and saw Yunmo curled up into a kitten and fell asleep in his arms.

Seeing this scene, Ling Junhan instantly forgot the pain in his body, and his face changed from gloomy to radiant.

He stretched out his hand and gently helped Yunmo open the messy hair on his forehead, revealing Yunmo's clear and charming face, fair skin, long eyelashes, round nose, and ruddy lips.

For a long time, he hadn't looked at Yun Mo so seriously, it seemed like it happened in his previous life.

He never thought that he loved Yunmo so deeply, until the moment Yunmo left, his heart had never been so at a loss, and he fell into madness.

Yunmo in her sleep felt the itching on her face, and waved her hand impatiently.

"Don't make trouble!"

Turning over and continuing to make appointments with Zhou, Ling Junhan's heart itch.

He couldn't help but leaned down to kiss her, first the forehead, then the nose, then the lips, first a joking kiss, but when he touched Yunmo's soft and sweet red lips, he couldn't help it.

Yun Mo could no longer fall asleep, and when she opened her eyes, she saw a magnified handsome face.

There was a radiant smile in the deep eyes, seeing her wake up, Ling Junhan deepened his kiss to Yunmo, from the cautious before to unscrupulous.

"Ah..." Yun Mo yelled, and stretched out her hand to push him away, but because she fell asleep on the side of the bed, Ling Junhan didn't push him, but almost pushed herself to the ground.


Ling Junhan grabbed her with a big hand, and hugged her dangerously in his arms. The wound on his back was torn apart again because of his excessive movements. The severe pain in his chest made him frowned slightly. disappeared without a trace.

"Looking at me makes you so excited!"

"You, me!" Yun Mo pointed at him, and then at herself.

(End of this chapter)

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