Abuse of love: the chief adult is too black

Chapter 286 You should disappear too

Chapter 286 You should disappear too
Looking at the momentum, Yunmo closed her eyes in pain, and stretched out her hands to support her head.

When will Ling Junhan consider other people's feelings, don't be so shy, do you really think that the hospital is run by his family!

After a while, feeling the fiery gaze projected on her body that could not be let go for a long time, Yunmo smiled bitterly resignedly, and walked towards Ling Junhan.

It was only just now that she realized that she had forgotten to wear her shoes. She had been hiding in the distance, in order to avoid people and let others ignore her, so as not to find her bare feet.

As a result, Ling Junhan roared like a lion, making her the focus of everyone.

She came to him with bare feet and a face full of resentment, with a sullen face.


"Come up!"

"Ah... Ling Junhan, are you crazy!"

Seeing that the opened wound opened again because of his actions, and the wound that was being treated for Ling Junhan was stunned by his actions, and stood there sluggishly.

"If you don't want me to get hurt, just be obedient!"

Yun Mo blushed for a while, not knowing whose body it was!

But the body really didn't dare to move around, and the clear eyes could not help but glance at the wound on his chest, the wound was very close to the heart, if there was no Ling Junhan, I am afraid that she would have seen the King of Hades at this moment.

Ling Junhan saw her small thoughts in his eyes, and a rare smile appeared in his deep eyes.

Looking at the whole process, except for A Wu, the other three were all happy for Ling Junhan.

Yun Mo's expression is full of worry, not like the previous expression of nothing to do with himself, presumably he was moved by Ling Junhan!
Finally, after several tossings, the doctor started to treat Ling Junhan's wound with trembling hands, and then he said with great attention to wording.

"Young Master Ling, during this period of time, it's better not to use too much force, lest the wound be opened again!"


"Besides this, what else do you pay attention to?"

Yun Mo looked away from Ling Junhan's chest, looked at the sweaty doctor, and asked.

"The other thing is to try not to touch the water, and small movements are still possible!" added.

"Oh, thank you doctor!"

"Artest, give it away!"

Seeing Yun Mo talking to the doctor so harmoniously, Ling Junhan felt jealous. For some reason, he didn't like Yun Mo talking to people other than him.

Seeing this, Qu Jinshui hurriedly left the ward with a group of people, and said before leaving, "Young Master Ling, then you should take good care of your wounds and call us if you need anything!"


Artest sent away a group of people, turned around and walked into the ward, only to hear Ling Junhan giving the order to evict the guest rudely!
"I also watch the show, you should disappear too!"

When Dongfang Yuan and Leng Xiuya heard the words, Fuyou looked at each other tacitly.

"We are disgusted, let's go!"

"Throw it away after using it, how heartless!"

Dongfang Yuan said seriously.

Seeing a few people leaving the ward cursing, Yunmo originally wanted to break free from his embrace, but was afraid of accidentally touching his wound.

She glanced at him helplessly, "Everyone is gone, you can let me go!"

"I don't want it, I'm so sleepy, let's sleep together!"

As he spoke, he hugged her and lay on the bed against Yunmo's wishes.

"Hey, is it you or I who was injured, why should I lie on the bed with you!" Yunmo said inexplicably.

It's really strange, obviously he was injured, and he wanted to lie on the bed to recuperate, but he insisted on dragging her to accompany him, that's all for him, but he still dragged her to lie down with him.

"I'm afraid you'll disappear again when I fall asleep!"

(End of this chapter)

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